I sometimes refer to the year 2010 as 0-10 which I know is not correct. I got used to putting an 0 in front of the number and I can't stop.
Speaking of dates, tomorrow is April Fools Day. Are you planning any pranks? This may surprise you, but I'm not a big fan of pranks. Or rather, I'm not very good at them. I absolutely can't keep a straight face and it ends up being much too much work. (Maybe by saying that, I'm just trying to throw you off the scent.)
So, a guy friend of mine recently told me that I should write a blog post explaining women, and what we want. For obvious reasons, this is an impossible task. But I want to throw this out there: to my male readers, if you have questions about women, leave a comment and I'll do a post at some point answering your questions! This could be fun.
And lastly, last week a location director visited my office building. He said they will be filming a movie across the street from our building in a couple months and might want to use our building for part of it. The movie stars Pierce Brosnan (and the location director said we will probably see him). Although it also stars some equally famous co-stars, I went temporarily deaf after he said Pierce Brosnan. Pierce Brosnan was my first celebrity crush when I was a kid - I thought he was sooo handsome when I saw him on Remington Steele (which I was not allowed to watch but managed to catch glimpses of). Who was your first celebrity crush?
Happy Wednesday.