What do you guys think of
these shoes? I've been eyeing them lately. Yes, they look like orthopedic shoes but I hear they do wonders for the thighs and butt so that makes the possible public humiliation worth it...I think. I haven't decided. They're pretty pricey too. Have any of you tried them? Would you be willing to wear them in public?
Yeah, I'd wear 'em in public. You lose a lot of weight. My mom wears them. so does Dr. Tent and his staff. They start dropping weight.
Reebok also makes a version of this same type of shoe that I personally think are a little cuter. They're called Reebok Easy Tones (I think). They're probably also expensive, and I have no idea if they actually do what they claim!
I'd loved to hear how it goes if you try them out.
If all I have to do is wear those shoes to skinny down my thighs and bum I'm so in!
Ummmm, aren't you already in shape and super cute?!
I vote no on the shoes...
i've seen lots of commercials for these and the girls wearing them have toned buttock's and thighs. I say GET 'EM! They seem awsome! I would wear them. If someone says something to you, say "Just you wait and see..."
If they work, alright then. Get them. But I'm not going to lie...NOT cute.
The Reebok ones are the same price and totally agree they're WAY cuter. They do work though so I definitely think worth it :).
I say you get them and then post a daily butt and thigh picture update so we can follow the progress and verify that it works. HAHA.
The Sketchers Shape Ups are apparently wonderful. I have several friends that wear them and they have pointed out and I definitely notice improvement on their figures. Really gives the calves, thighs, and especially the butt a nice lift after a while. Plus, they are actually kind of cute. Kind of makes me think that they are a cross of Skate shoes and Cross Trainers.
The Reebok ones don't look nearly as dorky. For some reason that makes me doubt their effectiveness.
I agree with Robert we need pictures. If the thighs and butt are looking good, who is going to pay attention to the shoes? Plus I always focus on the eyes :)
An admirer from the distance. :)
Let me know what you end up doing? I was also curious about these, just to see if they would help my running if I wore them when just doing errands and such. Does anyone know if they are hard to walk in? I suspect if they work your muscles, they should be harder to walk in, right? Am I going to fall on my face in them- that is what I want to know. I think the rebokks have little miniature balance balls in the bottom, which may be why they look less dorky. Keep me updated!
I read the reviews for both of the shoes and the reviews for the reeboks weren't very good. Some people said that the balls deflated/went flat after a short time. The reviews for the Sketchers are all really good. If you have the reeboks and love them, let me know!
These look like if you pushed really hard off the ground while wearing them, they could launch you to the moon.
to keep it real, it seems that the shoes would be self defeating ...
Haha Leo, but the shoes would only be worn when working out - not on dates or anything!
And anonymous, who are you?
If you buy these I'm breaking up with you
Adam, I didn't realize we were together. ;)
we are now, assuming you didn't purchase the shoes
I bought them, Adam. I guess I know how true your love is for me!!
I bought them, Adam. I guess I know how true your love is for me!!
That goes both ways. I asked you not to and then the very next day you went and purchased them. If anyone asks me why we didn't work out I'll be sure to tell them it was your choice
So we're going to tell them that because I wanted to get in better shape, you dumped me?
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