I remember an episode of Full House (I'm not ashamed) where something like this happened. Here's what I remember of the conversation between Kimmy Gibbler and DJ.
Kimmy: What do you think if Tom Smansky?
DJ: He's ok.
Kimmy: Well, Kathy Santoni told me that he likes you!
DJ: TOM SMANSKY!? He's a fox!!
Kimmy: I thought you said he was just 'ok.'
DJ: That was before I knew he liked me!
Truer words have never been spoken, DJ.
Does this work for guys? If a guy finds out that a woman thinks he's hot, is he more interested in her? Here's a test for the guys. Pretend your friend is talking to you:
Hey! Guess what? Elizabeth told me that she thinks you are really hot. She even mentioned that it looked like you'd been working out. She doesn't even care that you're losing your hair. And yeah, she digs your mustache.
Did it work? Do I appeal to you more now? On second thought, don't answer that.
I'm not sure why that happens but I know I like it. And I have something to tell you. You know that guy or girl you work with or is in your class? They told me they think you're cute.
He does?? Hmm... I thought I saw him looking at me... Ha! It really is true, though - if I find out someone is interested in me I often pay them attention I may not have given them before! It pays to cater to the ego. :)
I'm not a guy, so I can't answer for that one.
I've never had a guy let me know he likes me (except for my ex-bf) so I don't know if it makes a guy more attractive. It definitely did for him... hahaha
Oh man I was totally digging on him but now that I know he thinks I'm cute it's even better!!
I love this. Hahaha especially the part about losing hair and the mustache : ).
If we like you, yes, we like you even more. Positive reinforcement! We make a choice...you confirm it... we are happy! :D Guys are simple. Why do you think we are easily manipulated by girls?! lol. You're cute!! Do you like me more?? hehe!
I can't speak for the rest of the female population, but I could so use more of those types of ego boosts. I don't think guys get as much of a boost out of it as we do. A lot of them have overinflated egos already. ;P At least it's a good strategy for those handsome balding mustachioed men to get women to fawn over them.
The Magnum PI mustache I was working on? and I just shaved it off.
I think you are HOT. It works
Everything I need to know in life I learned from watching Full House. :)
It depends on the girl! It seems my 'luck' makes me attractive to girls I'm not attracted to :/. You wouldn't fall in that category though! Anonymous admirer: You have competition!
The most attractive thing a woman can wear is a smile. Especially if the smile is directed at the guy. It's one of the few non-verbal clues we recognize. Thinking that you're happy to be there makes us feel less like fools. So laugh at us less, with us more, and let it show on your face. That ups the cute factor significantly.
Bringing pizza helps too.
I'm following you because I like what you said on the MBP's last post. I'm really starting to hate them. Maybe if they would take the mormon out of their blog I would be less offended, but I joined the church not too long ago and it saddens me to see such garbage associated with the church.
I think it definitely makes a girl more attracted to a guy if she finds out he's interested. I don't think it really goes the other way though, unless the guy was interested to begin with.
And to 'The Lady Girl', hopefully you already know this from your own experiences with members of the church, but not all Mormon guys are like that, promise!
Lady Girl, thanks for your comment! Those guys on MBP are not the best examples of the church. I hate the way they talk about and use women. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep reading their blog, even if it is kind of amusing! Like Christi said, not all Mormon guys are like that, so don't be dismayed!
yes we are not all like that.
I know it's too late for the giveaway, but I also love that you can pull Full House quotes from your memory at will to fit any situation. I only wish I had that gift.
There's still time, Christi. If you want to borrow seasons one or two, I have them. Ok, now I am embarrassed.
Elizabeth, this guy thinks you're cute!
Oh, come on...it could be fun!
Happy Valentines Day!
Brave up Mr. Anonymous! Now is the time to pony up and give us some shameless details to put Natalie's bachelor to shame. That guy sounds BORING and ordinary! Give Elizabeth something to love about ya man!!! Love is in the air, I'll be your cupid! :)
I thought Natalie's bachelor sounded pretty cool, Elisabeth.
Not that I'm not curious who anonymous is (I am!), but it's kind of fun to have the mystery. ;)
Natalie – you are killing me here. First you win the contest and now you are linking profiles to Mr. Perfect; what is up with that? And being a BYU graduate should that count in favor or against?
Joel – hahaha it seems there is more competition now
I was ready to send my name and address after all snickers is a deliciously nougat-y caramel and peanuts candy all covered in chocolate but maybe is not yet the right moment after all I am still working on the moobs ;)
I think being a BYU graduate should count for something because it is the most prestigious private religious university in the Provo/Orem area. Having a college degree should be a plus. Declaring that you attended the "Harvard of the West" and using the chapel satellite dish to watch cougar basketball three times a week is a minus.
I found the MBP blog. Notice the page design is by a woman. Give 'em enough rope...
note - I am not a BYU grad.
You are a gorgeous woman and I wish I had a shot with you!
I'm getting more and more curious who you are...
so promise him snickers smarty! I think you better sweeten the deal after letting a girl win your valentine's contest!
ha! this is so true! well, not when the person that thinks your cute looks like Gargamel (from my post :)
I just realized that there might be more than 1 Anonymous as the comment from the 10th was not mine but I share the feeling ;) should I take credit? Hopefully next contest I'll get some snickers. I do hope you have a great Valentine's Day.
An admirer from the distance
It totally works on guys too. Knowing someone digs me easily bumps them up a point or two. It's funny..people are so afraid of rejection that they'll do whatever they can not to let on that they are into someone...but if that someone knew, 9 times out of 10 they'd find that person more attractive. Talk about a self-defeating impulse!
It's all a matter of MAN-ner-isms.
Men are pretty simple. When we know something is lying there, we tend to throw something at it or poke it with a stick to see if it moves before making a move of our own.
CIP: Heather vs. Heather's BFF
Heather is a cutie in our ward. Unfortunately for her, her BFF Julie is the more aggressive one when it comes to dating. What can we say other than Ryan asked Julie out before he knew that Heather thought he was cute. Ryan had a small crush on Heather, but thought she might be out of his league because of how little attention she seemed to pay to him when around her. After a few dates with Julie, Ryan moved in and smooched her. Then Julie said this.
J-"Heather's going to be so jealous."
J-"She always thought you were kinda cute."
R-"Well that's nice of her."
J-"Yeah. Now her best friend is hooking up with you."
Critical mistake. They had only been on a few dates and Julie had clued Ryan in on the fact that the girl he had previously crushed on thought he was cute.
Ryan did as most single guys would do and poked a stick at it. He flirted with Heather to see if she'd move. Needless to say, Ryan didn't always play his cards right even if he already had the cards to win the hand. He attempted to discard a straight for a flush or a rare straight flush. He wound up with nothing and folded.
What can we learn? Men are simple. If you show them something and they're intrigued by, they'll toss a rock or poke a stick at it to see if it moves before making a move of their own. Could be a sleeping beauty, could be a dead raccoon.
LOVE this post! It is so incredibly true. (And yes, I'm going back to your archives to read... love your blog.)
Whenever I find out someone likes me or thinks I'm cute I always think "What's wrong with them?" I just don't think anyone could ever like me. Sad, I know.
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