I find myself daydreaming about taking road trips to northern Michigan (which I think it has the most beautiful scenery on earth - although where you live is pretty nice too) and smelling the water and pine trees and campfires. I've been playing those "Pure Michigan" commercials over and over again in my head. I've got spring fever and I've got it bad. Am I the only one?
Here are some pictures I took during warmer times last year. I love Michigan in the non-winter months. What are some of your favorite places to visit in the summer?

That first picture is awesome! There is a special shade of sky blue that is my very favorite color and that picture totally captured it in the background of the flowering tree. Hats off to the photog skills and Bienvenido Spring!
I love Michigan and magnolia blossoms :)
I'd agree, that "up north" is maybe one of my fave summer destinations! :) Of course, road trips to the Smokies are right up there, too! And anyplace I can canoe/tube along a lazy river. :)
Sigh. If I didn't have spring fever before, I do now!! I love those photos and am so excited for spring! I stopped and took a picture of the crocuses on my walk to school this morning. Yay spring!
There is still a bite in the air here in Northern Michigan. Yes, its beautiful here in the warmer months, but, I swear, winter is about 8 months long ;(
Looking forward to spring, sunshine, and some good ole thunderstorms!
My tulip tree looks just like that right NOW!!!! Na-na! Not to mention the cherry blossoms, daffodils and primroses. If you come visit in April you could see our tulip fields in full bloom with the blue foothills & mountains as a back drop! Bring your family!
OK I'll stop torturing you!
Those are gorgeous photos! I miss Michigan sometimes, especially in the summer. It's much more green than it is here in Idaho, but I'm pretty sure I'd miss the mountains terribly if I didn't live here.
I like visiting MI in summer to get away from this Hot Dry Hair Dryer Weather. I go to Hoover Dam every March and the Butterfly Exhibit at the Bellagio every April.
The picture of the kayaks got me all choked up.
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