Years ago, I met a friend who came to Michigan for school. He left in the summers so we only spent time together during the school year. One summer he came back early and after hanging out once or twice, he said to me in a surprised voice, "you are a completely different person in the summer."
And I think he's right. When the weather is warmer, I feel more hopeful. I laugh more easily; I accomplish more; I have a more positive attitude. I feel that life has more to offer and that I am capable of accomplishing goals and fulfilling my destiny (whatever that may be - it's still winter so I can't remember).
Don't get me wrong, I don' t become a total slug in the winter. I like to think that I am still relatively pleasant, although some might disagree. (I hope not.) I try to prevent my muscles from completely atrophying and I get out of bed for the important things like work and a certain amount of socializing. Unless, of course, the roads are covered with snow and ice, which they often are.
This time of year I start to feel my happier side emerging. It makes me wonder why I live in Michigan. If I lived in a warmer state, would I be the more hopeful and happy me all year? Or would I miss the change of seasons? After all, I absolutely love fall and I'm pretty sure I would miss it.
But winter... Winter, I could do without.
I hear you girl. Loathe is not a strong enough word. Not sure what is fitting, but I absolutely abhor winter. HATE IT!! I'm a born and raised Michigander, but it doesn't mean I like it. Winter does suck my will to live...my friends don't like to be around me much during the long cold winter months. I only stay because I have children in high school. Once they are done I'm outta here---can't wait!
I will say that the last couple days have been sunny and warm in northern MI. It turns me into such a happy person--I love the sun and warmth, I'm motivated to do more than work and sleep.
My word of advise..save yourself...get out of this state and move somewhere warmer. You can always visit in the fall. You do not want to be misereable any longer than you have to be.
Hang in there...Spring is almost here.
I agree with; move somewhere warmer. I'm so much happier here in AZ!
"Relatively pleasant" is a bit of an exaggeration.....
I like a little snow, as long as it's accompanied by sun. Maybe we could just dispose of February? That would be much more convenient for my schedule.
I felt like I was dreaming on my walk just now. Is it really so nice out?!?! YAY!
No matter how many times I experience it, I'm always amazed by how genuinely happy the sunshine makes me feel when it finally comes.
But that being said, there's something to be said for having a difference to notice in the first place. I was neither happier nor unhappier when I lived in California, but I was also pretty indifferent about the seasons. It took long, cold winters to make me fall so much in love with the summer.
(Of course that's not a plug for winter. I hate the winter. And it doesn't take summer to make me realize that.)
I actually did LOL at this line:
"I feel that life has more to offer and that I am capable of accomplishing goals and fulfilling my destiny (whatever that may be - it's still winter so I can't remember)."
When I lived in California, I'll tell you, I missed the seasons. I missed the sense of time that they provide. I missed that exhilaration when the sun starts feeling a bit warmer, and the soil starts to melt and there's that smell in the air of spring. I missed the fall big time, too. Winter makes us appreciate all the other lovely moments contained in the remaining months (those 5 lovely months) of the year. :)
Elizabeth, life around you is like a perpetual winter. You are my grey and gloomy clouds, my only grey and gloomy clouds (sung to the tune of you are my sunshine...you can imagine how the rest of the words would go).
Mike, I knew you loved me.
I'm the same way. I love falling snow...but in general when the sky is blue and the sun is out I'm 200% more cheerful/optimistic.
Yeah, I think if winter lasted about 5 weeks - from Thanksgiving through the new year - then I'd be good. I could even say 6 weeks, MAYbe. Then I'm done. And I like you year-round, but summer you IS awfully fun!
Who knew there was something deeper than loathing in Elizabeth! Such a sweet smile, and talking about shoes, and then one day...bam! Oh winter how I loathe thee...let me count the ways!! lol. Springs is coming Elizabeth! Think of all those dreams that will be coming soon.
i could handle winter if it would snow every couple days and be all nice and white and pretty, but it wouldn't land on the sidewalks or driveways or roads, just the grass. And then on Valentines day it would magically disapear and be spring. That would be lovely.
This morning on my way to the grocery store I was Jammin' to the footloose song on the radio...i mean, i was JAMMIN', and the funny thing is, I heard that song a few weeks ago, but had been in a bad mood b/c of the slush getting my shoes all wet...ahh spring. How i love thee, let me count the ways...
I miss fall! I don't hate winter. I hate summer. It's too hot.
I do understand. My husband is the same way. He is perking right up now:)
Yes come to warmer weather. You will love it.
An admirer from the distance.
PS: I been spoiled, I am having Wed. thoughts withdraws.
Aw, thanks for noticing that I hadn't posted yet anonymous! I am going to post Weds. Thoughts tonight though, so, not to worry.
I miss the seasons here in Socal.
I suggest moving to a place with milder winters but still seasons. Western Washington is great and you can go to the mountains when you miss the snow. But it also sucks to live far from Family...
Alright, Mr. warmer-weather-lds-flower-sender-sentimental-funny man...she's shown she's available, asked for dates on the blog, and expressed her vunerability...do something. And having seen her in Houston under undue stress, she's quite a gal and worth a call, or at least a name...do it man, show some courage! We're ALL rooting for you!
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