Top of the morning to you and happy Saint Patrick's Day! Are you wearing green? I am, but only because I was trained at a young age that not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day is grounds for pinching. Is there any other holiday that physically punishes a person for not acknowledging it? I don't even think I'm Irish!
In other news, if you need a laugh today, check out this product on amazon. The best part is the user reviews.
How do you guys feel about arranged marriages? Awhile back, I asked my friend Christi to arrange one for me but I don't think she took me seriously. I'm pretty sure I can learn to love most anyone and I'm tired of dating. It seems like whenever I go on a date I suffer from major déjà EW afterwards, flashing back to all of the things I did that were slightly embarrassing or uncool. Like suggesting the smitten too early in the date, or saying, "I can't believe you asked me out! No one ever asks me out! This is so cool! I hope we can go out again really really soon!"*
*I never really said that. I am adding this disclaimer due to the realization that a couple people reading this don't realize how sarcastic I am and seemed concerned for me.
When I was in Ireland, I was desperate for someone to say "Top of the mornin, to ya." It didn't happen. But someone did say "Top of the mornin." It made my life so much better.
That shirt is pretty amazing, and the user reviews so much more! The video is unlike anything I've ever seen! (Well, it's a little bit like Disney's "Pocahontas," but, you, know, not animated and about a t-shirt...) Congrats on the granola bars! They sound delish. And I made sure to wear a green shirt today, because the whole "I have green in my eyes" didn't seem to pass for some people. I do, though!
Um, P.S. My word verification today is "wiferomp" - that's a little weird.
Happy St.Patrick Day!! Btw, I like the dating part you wrote! Hilarious! haha... :D
I forgot to tell you that last week on "Cougartown," there was a whole bit about the snuggie/slanket!! :) Plus, that show is all about dating/relationships. Hey, maybe they are getting their material from you! Are you friends with Courtney Cox? :)
And yes, I have on green pants. I dread being pinched. And, my workout top is green, so I'll even be covered at the gym later! :)
I have now purchased the wolf shirt because I need some help attracting people! Haha that was awesome.
A friend introduced me to the 3 wolf moon phenomenon several months ago. I thought the reviews were hilarious until I went home and sorted through my "old shirt" box. Alas, my tee had only one wolf, which explains why instead of gaining any extra special powers of persuasion, I would only feel a little itchy.
My parents are very much in favor of arranged marriages, which reminds me - I saw your dad on Saturday and he asked how my folks were doing. Uh oh. Lucky for you we don't live in India.
Sometimes pinching is fun, and sometimes it really, really hurts.
I think you're forgetting that double date we went on. I actually did hear you say those things, so people have reason to worry for you.*
Also, I did take arranging a marriage for you seriously. I found someone, he's just kind of weird, so I'm trying to figure out how best to pursue it.
*I'm totally kidding. Elizabeth is pretty much the coolest person I know!
You ARE a little bit Irish. You are also more than a little bit rock and roll. You didn't get the latter from me.
They're not really big into St. Patrick's day in France. I spent all this week and last teaching my classes about the traditions and of course their favorite part is the pinching (well...maybe tied with the idea of coloring the Chicago River green and green beer).
I wore a green t-shirt today to set the example. I'm also full of St. Patrick's day trivia thanks to my lesson plan.
Woh...that's a real tshirt?
Suddenly this makes more sense:
Oh my gosh, Drake. That video was so funny! Totally inspired by that review. I hope you didn't do any pinching in France today. ;)
I love the shirt reviews! I hope you don't mind but I had to post that because I know some of my friends will think it's hysterical too.
Love your blog by the way - we think a lot alike!
LOVE the movie hahaha too funny!! Also never heard of the smitten... that is great. I'll have to purchase me one of them! Well, clearly I have no need for it now but maybe in the future!:)
Thanks for the granola bar shout out! I think I like them because they are cookie-like but I can eat them without feeling guilty. I'm going to try making an apples and cinnamon version next.
Oh, and you totally have me thinking about getting those Sketchers for my dog walks. You'll have to do an update post.
Johnny Lingo paid 8 cows for his arranged marriage... I am ready to pay, 10? a whole cattle ranch? let the dealings begin whatever the number it is I will double it.
An admirer from the distance. ;)
Hahaha don't worry, I don't picture you just talking about dating and marriage... although the majority of our conversation was about blogs... which may or may not say something about us.
Thanks anonymous! That's so sweet of you.
And Kara, that was kind of funny that we talked about blogs so much. Speaking of which, I still can't stop reading BBL. It's like I don't even know myself.
Sara - I will totally do another Skechers update! So far, they're great.
Is that "Kiss me, I'm Irish" offer good at any time or just St. Patrick's Day? :)
haha, depends on who's asking. ;)
I couldn't help myself, I just ordered you a 3 wolf shirt and one with a unicorn on it. Hopefully they will arrive soon so you can start attracting the right guys for a summer romance and who knows maybe it will turn into the romance of a lifetime.
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