But if the role of Mary were already taken and I had to be in a different t.v. show, my other picks would be Rose on The Golden Girls (all that hanging out on the lanai looks like fun), Claire on the Cosby Show (smart, beautiful, and feisty), or the Genie on I Dream of Genie (both for her figure and her magic, although I'd probably cover my midriff more than she does). Which t.v. character's life you would take over if you were forced to live in a t.v. show?
I promise my life doesn't revolve around t.v. It just sounds that way. Maybe I shouldn't watch t.v. while I'm blogging...
Moving on to more important things!
I entered a blog competition for 20-something bloggers last month. I raised a little bit of a stink about the "20-something" limitations and was told I could enter even though I'm a spinster (my words). I was chosen as one of 32 finalists and today is the day you can vote for me to go on to the next round! If you would do that, I would appreciate it. The winner gets to write a weekly dating column which I think would be a lot of fun. Here's a link for voting. Thank you! (Oh, and in case you were wondering, I did not write that little blurb about myself on the blogging competition page.)
And of course, happy Wednesday.
Wait, I got confused. I was supposed to vote for the other girl right? Let's hope so. Also, I found out I could vote for her again on different computers, so if it was a mistake, I've now made it 142 times.
MIKE!!! lol, you would.
Well, just voted for you and the best of luck. I know without any doubt that if you when your column will be a big success. And when it comes to the tv show life i would choose. Lets see, Magnum from hopefully very obviously Magnum PI. Chance from the Human Target. Or, if I couldn't have either of the other two, Earl from my name is Earl. I would love to spend my life in continuous action helping others. I try to live my life that way all the time. but never get the exciting type of things. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that nobody I am familiar with are in life and death situations, but it could be lots of fun. I am an adrenaline junky any how. Oh yeah, maybe JD from scrubs. I am a bit of a space cadet and major day dreamer at times.
Your blog was definitely better. Your tag line was better too.
Her post was boring.
Just voted for you! Good luck!
I agree with the Boob Nazi! I voted for you and hope you win!!!
If I could take over the role of a TV character, it would probably be Leslie Knope from "Parks and Recreation." I think being involved in local politics would be pretty awesome, and it would be hilarious to work with those crazy people. Plus then I could say the names Ron Swanson and Mark Brandanowitz on a regular basis. :) Either Leslie or Kate from "Lost," 'cause, you know, my life can be a little dull sometimes. ;) (I probably would have actually picked MTM, too, but I won't take that away from you...!)
P.S. Nice use of the word "lanai!")
Good suggestion, Mike. I voted for the witty blonde's thoughts on all the idle (or unattended) computers in my office. Kind of like voting for a contestant on American Idol, except without all the horrible singing.
Speaking of AI, that would be my idea of a tv-existance in hell. Even if I was Simon Cowell (who is the devil), I’d still be in hell, surrounded by the imps of cultural blandness, and mocked each week by Joel McHale on The Soup.
Hmm. McHale seems to have more fun pointing out people’s foibles than Cowell, plus he gets to kiss a lot of pretty girls and do silly things on Community. You might argue that being on two shows would make me schizophrenic in TV land, but I think he’s really playing the same character. After a while though, making fun of people and shooting pool in the buff would get old, so that’s not my choice.
Thomas Magnum or Christopher Chance would be good, but I don’t think I want to get beat up every week. If I was going to be one of Mark Valley’s characters, I’d pick Eddie Arlette from Keen Eddie, because he gets to solve crimes and share a flat in London with Sienna Miller, which is kind of like getting beat up each week too. How do you like me so far?
If I was going to live as a tv character, I’d be Jonny Quest. Not only would I get to be in a cartoon, I’d have lots of cool science adventures with my dad, hang out with my best buddy Hadji, and never face puberty.
I'd be Samantha on Bewitched....except I don't know if I could stand Darren...he's a ding-dong sometimes.
Voted. You'll win!
Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother, because I'm basically already living his life.
Or... Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly, because "Space Cowboy" is about the coolest occupation ever.
oh i loved the Mary Tyler Moore show! we would watch the Christmas ones over and over again.
and i'll totally vote for ya!
My vote is in but I am not telling for whom I voted.
My TV Character would have to be Alan Shore from Boston Legal.
An admirer from the distance. ;)
I would want to be a couple people:
1. Miss Bliss from the early Saved by the Bells. She always had the right thing to say at the right moment. And she got to work with Zach..humina humina
(althought i really wanted to be Jessie in the "i'm so excited, I'm so excited" episode")
2.Smurfette (knock knock)
3. Becky, from Full house, because she got to marry John Stamos
Hi Elizabeth! I just voted for your blog and have my fingers crossed for you.
Okay, I answered before but I changed my mind about what tv show I'd like living, so I deleted my comment. Okay I got it now. My choice would either be "Alice" of the Jackie Gleason Show or Carol Burnette's "Eunice" of the Mama show or the show that both "Eunice and Ed" were in...I've forgotten what it was called?
I'd be Liz Lemon on 30 Rock. I can totally relate to her.
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