Here are the four I'm considering:
Build her a cake or something - A recent post about being asked out over the phone or in person versus text or e-mail.
The Ball - "The ball is in his court" - this post is about trying to figure out who has the ball, so to speak, and how it's often dropped prematurely due to this confusion.
The Mystery of the Burp - This is the story about how a burp ruined my chances of finding out of I was on a date or not. The only thing is, as far as I know, the guy who this post is about still doesn't know I wrote it and I'd kind of like to keep it that way. But...it's still pretty funny so I'm putting it out there for consideration.
Love Story - My grandma desperately wants me to get married. This post explores the way my love story would play out depending on which TV channel turned it into a movie.
Which is your favorite? I could really use your help! Thanks!
I am all for the one about "The Ball". I think that everyone would really enjoy that and it would still be really funny!
Plus that was the one I was going to write about :)
It's a tie for me, between "The Mystery of the Burp" and "Love Story"...both make it really easy to connect to the issue. Hey, we've all had unclear things happen on a pseudo-date, and we've all seen those silly/awesome made-for-TV movies!
I also say either "The Mystery of the Burp" or "Love Story"
They are both hilar! :)
I was reading through all of those posts to refresh my memory. I think this is my favorite comment (left by Katherine) of all time: (In regards to the burp post) "A burp is a ridiculous reason to pay for a meal! If that is expected (to pay for a meal if you burp), then a lot of people owe me dinner!"
I have to go with Love Story. I might be partial though since she's my grandma too and I think she's hi-larious. I love that on though. It draws you in and get's a mind a'thinkin'.
I love them all. (I'm a big fan of yours) I thought the burp one was hilarious, but if you're worried about putting that out there for the world, I'd go with love story. I love that one just as much.
Well, I have to say I'm with several of the other commentors: You should go with either 'The Burp' or 'Love Story'. I almost think that going with the burp one might be a little more exciting, and maybe if the guy it's about finds out he's "famous", he'll ask you out again! Good luck, gorgeous! :)
I definitely like "The Mystery of the Burp". The scenario really is an unsolved mystery.
I say Love Story. I also really enjoyed the first two comments on that one. The Ball is pretty good too but I think it's too much like your last blogger brawl entry to show your variety.
I like Love Story the best! It was funny and so right-on about how movies on those channels work!
Wow, thanks, Christi!! I feel so honored! I think that "Love Story" is my favorite, too, though I, like Heather, am biased. You're just so good it's hard to pick!!
Love Story makes me laugh the most! But I love them all.
The Mystery of the Burp... too funny
I vote "Love Story" all the way!
I vote for the "Love story!" That was a great one. My second choice is "The Mystery of the Burp."
Mystery of the Burp! though all are great.
I like "The Ball". Good luck! I just stumbled onto your blog but it looks like we're running into the same dating disasters no matter what state we're in. :D
I'm going to say Love Story. Although the Mystery of the Burp is a classic.
Found your blog through the Boob Nazi and I have really been enjoying it. I'm going to have to vote for "Love Story."
the burp, all the way!
The ball is in your court in both the vote and real life
Love story. I love all the posts about your grandma!
Love story! I'm still laughing out loud thinking about it.
Those four posts have had me laughing my head off. How did I miss the burp story before? But "Love Story" is a classic and that's the one that gets my vote! Please let us know when to go and vote for you!
Thanks you guys! After adding up the votes from here and in person, I ended up going with Love Story for this round. If I make it to the next round I'll probably use the Burb story. Thanks for your help! I'll let you know when voting is! :)
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