They're interesting. Since a few of you have asked, I thought I'd give a brief review. Keep in mind I've only owned them for two full days. So far I don't find them too hard to get used to. They make you walk heal-to-toe which makes me feel my muscles more. In fact, I even felt a burning in my abs when walking up hill in them, which is awesome. The downside is higher risk for shin splints which I felt a bit at first but which have since gone away.
I was curious what it would be like to wear them for an entire day so I threw caution (and fashion sense) to the wind and wore them to work today. Luckily there is no dress code at my office, which some take full advantage of, so I could probably show up in MC Hammer pants, a tube top, and bowling shoes and no one would notice.
The main thing I've noticed about these shoes is that they are extremely comfortable. And while my body hasn't morphed into....(insert female celebrity with hot body's name here) , I've noticed that walking up a steep hill, like I did this morning, leaves a nice burn in my muscles - nothing too painful - just a sign that the shoes are doing something extra. They seem to make normal walk into something more productive.
Either I've been completely brainwashed or I can expect my body to change completely in the next few months. No, there's no chance I've been brainwashed. Miracles are going to happen thanks to the shoes, I can feel it. New and improved life, here I come!
That's awesome that you feel the difference! Maybe you could be the spokesperson for them? And I think you need to expound on the fact that there's no dress code here. Some of the outfits that come through the door.....and sometimes people aren't wearing shoes at all!
If you come to work in that outfit, I'll come in wearing denim overalls (with one strap unhooked, of course) over a bikini top with snow shoes. I bet we'd blend in perfectly. :)
p.s.- remember the day you wore this to work? No one blinked an eye at it.
That was a good day, Kathy. A very good day. There's nothing better than a warm poncho on a cold winter day.
I agree with the other comments. We need to hear about the outfits! I feel like I am a bit out of touch with fashion these days, so I could use some what not to wear or what to wear tips. I am glad you like the shoes!
The poncho IS required dress at my office! Headgear is optional, unless we go into one of the labs, where either a hard hat or sombrero is necessary. I do have an extra pair of sneakers under my desk, for the days when my boots are wet from jumping in puddles. Alas, they are not stylish Skechers, but nerdly Converse All-Stars.
I just read an article about companies that make running shoes. They are rethinking how they design them because when we run, we really should hit with the ball of our feet first! I thought about it, and I guess that's how I run if I'm barefoot. Who knew shoes were going through such an overhaul these days! :)
awesome poncho picture Kathy. I like the shoes.
Arriba! Arriba!
We need pictures so we can see progress.
An admirer from the distance. ;)
My mom bought the most hideous Skechers I've ever seen. Yuck.
Hola mamacita! Me gusta el poncho!! You should wear that poncho all the time. ;) I think it will make a cool action shot if you can get the new shoes in a pic with the poncho flying in the wind with the new brown hair!
We are done, apparently you would rather defy me than keep what we had going. It was nice knowing you.
You're seriously making me want to buy a pair! :)
Was wondering why you commented on the MC Hammer pants with a tube top, & bowling shoes as if they are fashion faux-paus or however you spell that. I was just wearing that exact outfit a few days ago and received lots of comments on them. My favorite outfit though, is my complete Michael Jackson's BAD outfit, never can go wrong with that.
I would be interested in knowing how those shoes have worked out for you two years later.
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