Today's the day!
LOST starts tonight!! Last night
Amy and I got together and made a Lost cake. It's an
exact replica of the Lost island (to scale). Ok, maybe not exact, but close (ok, maybe not close). The point is, it's an awesome cake. I can't post pictures of it yet because I don't want to ruin the surprise for people who are going to see it later today. But I will post pictures eventually. I can't wait for tonight! I really hope the Smoke Monster makes an appearance (cross your fingers that this is the year the Smoke Monster will finally get that Emmy)!
In other news, I just ordered my (drum roll please) Snuggie! Finally, I can find out if it lives up to all the hype! Hype which was mostly generated by me, admittedly. All I know is that I'm cold all the time and I need help getting through the winter. I can't wait for my "knight in fleecy armor" to arrive.
Question (Schrute style): is winter almost over? We're at least rounding the bend, right?
Groundhog day is only 11 days away, and I really hope that groundhog has good news. Is he ever right? When did we start relying on a groundhog for important weather news?
The next holiday after Groundhog day (which I always thought was Groundhog
's Day until

checking out the website), is Valentine's Day. I've heard it referred to as Single Awareness Day by some of my single friends, but personally I don't mind it. I think all the reds and pinks kind of brighten up one of the darkest, coldest months of the year. What do you think?
Finally got the snuggie huh? Did you order the smitten at the same time, or are you waiting on those a little bit longer? I'm surprised there isn't a combined infomercial advertising both of those together. Think of the possibilities, two people, wearing their snuggies, holding hands in the smittens.
I read over the ten items from the Lost link you posted, and actually laughed out loud at #10! HA! :)
Can't wait to see pics of the cake!
I can't believe you bought the snuggie! You'll have to put a consumer review on your blog and let us know what you think:)
Hooray for Lost! Hooray for Snuggies! Boo for getting sick on the most important day of the year! The Lost cake was a huge hit, and I was careful not to take all the credit :).
I can't wait to hear about your Snuggie...you're into Lost as much as I'm in Heroes. for Valentine's day we take teh whole 4 of us and go to the Bellagio Fountains (Oceans' 11) Good times! It'll be our 4th time this year.
Elizabeth, I have been observing your Snuggie obsession with rapt attention. I'm glad you finally made the leap. Can I just say the Snuggie "people" have my kids totally brainwashed? Every time the Snuggie commercials come on, it's like it triggers a "sleeper" Snuggie receptor in their brains, and they BEG for a Snuggie for the next half hour, until they see the commercial again and start asking again (not that they watch THAT much tv...really). India said, "No, Mom, REALLY, I think the Snuggie would be a good purchase! You can still answer the phone with it on!" You're sure you're not a little brainwashed by the commercials?
LOST! I thought it was so good. Always more questions, never really that many answers, but it was so nice to see our friends again after so long.
Mmmm...Lost. I'm so happy it's back. Remember in Season 1 when we were just concerned about Smoke Monsters and wild boar? And whether to stay at the beach or move to the caves? And we didn't know about Tailies or too much about Others or who Desmond was? Oh, Season 1 Us, you had so much to learn...
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