Kathy (the one on the right)

Kathy joined my department about a year ago and there has not been a dull moment since! She's hilarious, sends us (Justin and me) the funniest clips to watch and/or listen to, and has our backs if we have a problem. When my car was in the shop, she drove me to work until I got it back! What would I have done without her!? Our carpool worked out so well, we're thinking about going in together on a team of sled dogs (you guys still think I'm joking about that, don't you?). She's supportive, compassionate, kind, and fun and when she's not at work, Justin and I are bored out of our minds. I'm so glad to work with her!

Sarah and I have been friends forever! We met in middle school, and became good friends in high school. Without Sarah, my life would definitely be dull. Just in the past year or two, some of our adventures have included: seeing Maya Angelou speak, going to a Barack Obama rally, going to a tractor pull (oops, that was a secret), and many others. Sarah saved me last summer when a bug got in my eye! Now that's above and beyond. She listens to me vent about my problems and offers support and advice. On top of that, she motivates me to work out with her several days a week. She is a great support in my life and I don't know what I'd do without her!
Great job everyone! In case you were wondering, the correct answers to the quiz are: 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. c 8.b 9. a 10 b, and the extra credit answer was no (if you can believe that). Thanks everyone who took the quiz!
Phew! I was getting a little nervous there for a minute when Justin started debating the answers with you. But cheaters never win....
Thanks for saying all of those nice things! I think I'll check out this posting every time I need a self esteem boost. :)
I never cheated! I conducted research, which she never said we couldn't do. Question 9 was a scam and it turns out I answered it correctly before it was reworded, and I should also get a half point because I was not here the week Youth in Revolt was shot. SO really I only got 1.5 questions wrong, which means you only win by a narrow margin. One could almost call it a tie.
any consolation prizes for the loser
Maybe all your good luck (winning that radio contest, for example) is rubbing off on me. Plus, I feel like I just won *twice* because not only did I tie for first on the quiz (my pride was gift enough!), but then I got such an awesome prize - a post on the blog! And, you write so well that you make me feel like a great friend ... albeit one who does enjoy the occasional hick-ish activity. :)
"Git 'im! GIT 'IM!!" That was for Sarah and Elizabeth...
I feel like my picture in your other blog is reward enough!
Hmmm... good question Angela. What about the good feelings that come with trying your hardest? hahaha, I'll try to think of something.
I got every answer right, 3 years to late. I'm very bummed out about this.
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