In other news, I was really hoping this whole thing with Blagojevich would blow over before I had to learn to say his name but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I try to stay up on current events, but whenever I try to say his name it comes out Glaboyglavich. It's embarrassing.
It's snowing today. Again. Maybe instead of hating winter, I should make some kind of challenge for myself to distract myself from my impatience with the cold and snow. Here are some ideas:

It's snowing today. Again. Maybe instead of hating winter, I should make some kind of challenge for myself to distract myself from my impatience with the cold and snow. Here are some ideas:
- Break a world record for most snowmen built
- Break a record for most time spent under a Snuggie (mine hasn't arrived yet)
- Spend two to three hours a week sledding
- Wear a different crazy winter hat every day for the rest of winter

so do you know who's playing in the superbowl yet? :P
You should just embrace winter. You've still got a few more months before you can make an escape. Pretend like it's your last winter ever. And definitely make lots of snowmen and post them on your blog. Try to make a snowman that looks like me. That would be awesome.
Don't worry, I know who is playing in the superbowl, and I even know who I want to win. They won't win, but that's not the point.
And Amen on the whole Blagojevich thing. How DO you say that?
We only watch the superbowl for the commercials. Of course my husband has worked on superbowl commercials that aired last year and the year before. This year he doesn't have one though. So we are just going to watch videos of commercials instead. Though I do know who is playing. Go Cardinals!!!
Hey look, a whole article about the snuggie and how it's gained a bit of a cult following. : ) I know, you're such a fan I'm sure you've already read it.
I don't even try and seem like I am interested in the super bowl. Instead I talk about the tennis, specifically the Australian Open, that is going on right now. I would rather watch a Nadal and Federer match than watching 20+ oversized men run around a field in pads and spandex.
You might already know what I'm going to say, but I'll say it anyway.
You should totally do photography stuff! There's a photographer on Flickr who takes pictures of birds from inside the warm confines of his home. Here's some of his work: http://www.flickr.com/photos/birdist/2770454971/
Just set up a bird feeder and practice practice practice... in the warmth, while wearing your snuggie. Here's how he set up the shots: http://strobist.blogspot.com/2008/08/art-on-wing-bradford-fullers-fly-in.html
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