What I thought I'd do to celebrate my birthday is think back on things I've done this past year. But I'm going to do it differently than you've seen done in other blogs. I'm going to give you a quiz and see what you remember from June of last year till now. June of course is when I started my blog. So here it goes. Post your answers in the comment section and I'll post the correct answers at some point on Tuesday. I know this is ridiculous and more than a little self centered, but just humor me.
1. To celebrate my friend Sarah's birthday in June, we:
a. Saw Maya Angelou speak
b. Went to an Obama rally

2. What guilty pleasure book did I read last summer?
a. a Mary Higgins Clark book
b. a Murder, She Wrote book
c. a Baby-sitters club book
3. Which Golden Girl did the quiz tell me I'd be?
a. Blanche3. Which Golden Girl did the quiz tell me I'd be?
b. Sofia
c. Rose
4. If you want to have a spooky experience to tell around the campfire, one of the steps I listed is:
4. If you want to have a spooky experience to tell around the campfire, one of the steps I listed is:
a. stumble to the bathroom with your eyes blurred in the middle of the night
b. spend the night in a graveyard
c. read a book of ghost stories
5. Which video game did I rediscover my love of this year?
a. Mario Cart
b. Guitar Hero
b. blast ended skrewt
c. wolf spiders
7. What film was being shot within blocks of my office building last summer?
a. Whip It!
7. What film was being shot within blocks of my office building last summer?
a. Whip It!
b. An American Girl
c. Youth in Revolt
8. What do I hate the most?
8. What do I hate the most?
a. bad movies
b. optical illusions
c. lame ghost stories
9. What was the problem that caused me to panic going into 2009?
9. What was the problem that caused me to panic going into 2009?
a. finding the right calendar
b. making New Year's resolutions
c. writing 2008 on everything
10. How many votes for "not hairy enough" did Magnum PI get in the poll?
10. How many votes for "not hairy enough" did Magnum PI get in the poll?
b. 1
c. 3
Extra credit:
Did Kathy and I sell the clock on craigslist?
a. Yes
b. No
For the person who gets the most right, the prize is that I will write a little post about you and why you're awesome.
For the person who gets the most right, the prize is that I will write a little post about you and why you're awesome.
Capricorn Quiz Answers:
EC b
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the quiz!
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. c
9. b
10.) b
ec.) b (fortunately)
ec.b (not sure if this one is fair for me to answer since my name is in the question....but i will take the points either way.)
I won't even attempt to answer your quiz, but I think I know the answer to three or four of them without going back and checking. Anyway, hope you have a happy birthday. If I could send some Texas heat your way, I would.
Dallan, that would be the best gift ever. Today is going to be the warmest day this week and it's 25 degrees! Only four more months!
Ok, I'm going to do it without looking back because, well, I live dangerously, too, altho not as dangerously as you're claiming to live, playing back-up guitar for Bon Jovi! :)
1) Obama rally (phew!)
2) Murder, She Wrote
3) Why do I think it's Blanche??
4) Stumble with blurred vision
5) Dr. Mario
6) Tomato horn worm
7) Youth in Revolt??
8) Optical illusions
9) Deciding on a calendar
10) One? (And no, I swear it wasn't me!!)
11) No, I don't think anyone bought it...sad!
Ok, I just realized that I really stick to the details of your blog like it's my fave sitcom!
Blanche!? I don't know how to take that!! lol
I meant nothing by it, except that you are vivacious! :)
1 - do I get extra points for knowing it was abram?
Since we both already know that I am the only possible candidate for an "Awesome Post"---save for yourself, of course---let me forgo the questions and just wish you a belated Happy Birthday! Your blog sends out such warm vibes right now, it's fantastic!
I should get extra EXTRA credit since the computer deleted my first answers...
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. c
8. b (Yeesh, some people)
9. a
10. 1
E.C. You posted it, but for some unfathomable reason it has not yet sold (though you fif get one offer).
Nailed it!
I meant "did get one offer"...not "fif"...woops! Though sometimes I feel the need to plead the "one, two, three, four...FIF!"
Yes, Kristin, you can definitely get an extra point for that! I still love that he voted for not hairy enough. You guys crack me up.
And thanks for the b-day wishes, Stephanie!
I only remember Rose...I'm a failure
To be honest I have read every blog post from the time you started up till now in one day so I may have an unfair advantage of remembering blog details, and this was posted like 3 years ago so it doesn't matter anyway but I wanted to answer this quiz.
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