Maybe I'm getting too worked up over this, but what is up with the name Toasty Wrap? It sounds like fast food. It's an even worse name than the Slanket, and let's be honest, Slanket is a horrible name. Can you even say it out loud without laughing? I haven't been able to yet, and trust me when I say I've tried.
Ok, last thing. I noticed just now that on the Toasty Wrap page they have a section for testimonials and they are clearly not real. The Slanket has the same section but instead of calling it "testimonials," they call it "Slanketeering" and they appear to be all too real. Here's one of the testimonials from the Slanketeering page:
The Slanket is my new best friend because all of my old friends may dump me if I don't stop raving about it. They assume I won't want to go out with them because I'd rather be wrapped up in it. (They assume right.) It arrived in the mail to save me as if on cue -- my knight in fleecy armor -- the day before temperatures in Boston plunged to below freezing. I brought it straight to the couch and it was love.
My knight in fleecy armor?
Anyway, which name do you guys think is the best (or worst)? Maybe I'll put up a poll. I know I'm obsessed by the way, but maybe if it wasn't -11 degrees today (not including wind chill) I wouldn't be constantly think about ways to warm up! Until then, I'm still waiting for my knight in fleecy armor.
I say just give in and buy a Snuggie or Toasty Wrap or whatever they wanna call it. If you're crazy enough to live in Michigan, you're crazy enough to own a Snuggie ;) LOL
I voted for Slanket of course. At least the names Snuggie and Toasty Wrap imply warmth (although hearing Toasty Wrap makes me more hungry than anything else). There is nothing inviting about the name "Slanket". It sounds like a weapon actually.
I'm not so sure which name I prefer. Toasty Wrap makes me think of being warm and Snuggie makes me think of being comfortable - two things I love. Maybe I need to get one of each. And that Slanketeer review is the scariest/greatest review I've ever heard. I love the Toasty Wrap and the Snuggie and hope to have one or the other very soon.
The Slanket sounds more like slinkie than blanket, so unless they are implying that I'll get to watch it miraculously "walk" down the stairs, I'll go with one of the other two names. :)
This poll is a tough one. "Snuggie" sounds like a made up word from an episode of Barney and Friends. And I'm not sure how I feel about combining two words into one. That's just bad english. I think I'll vote for the Toasty Wrap for two reasons. 1. I love anything that keeps me warm and reminds me of eating. 2. Since Justin voted for the Slanket, it forces my hand to choose something else. :)-
Oh wait- I just realized the poll was for the worse name. Ok. My reasoning's still stand, so I think Snuggie gets my vote.
I would like a knight in fleecy armor to snuggie with while we eat a toasty wrap.
Elizabeth...you are too funny...Your posts crack me up! I like snuggie or toasty wrap...slanket just doesn't sound right. I had to laugh yesterday...I didn't realize my kids pay that much attention to commercials...well, we were reading the kids version of the book of mormon the other day and some of the people were wearing robes. One of my four year olds said "look mom! They're wearing snuggies!" and was totally serious! Too funny!
Oh my gosh, Julie!! That is TOO funny! Thanks for sharing that story. It made me laugh :)
Can't believe I'm one of few who prefer "Slanket". haha. It has a nice ring to it. I saw these "Smittens" and had to send you a link. http://www.restorationhardware.com/rh/catalog/product/product.jsp?productId=prod1208091&navAction=jump&navCount=20
Sara, that is HIlarious!! I think I'm going to have to post that link for all to enjoy. Have you ever seen anyone wearing them?! What a funny product! Thanks for passing it on! I had a good laugh over it.
This is hilarious. I actually bought my sister one for Christmas but it didn't come in time so I just put a picture of the thing in a box. She thought the name Snuggie was something I made up.
NOTHING beats the name Snuggie. It brings back fond memories of jr high and snickering at the word "fart". (which, in all fairness, is still a funny word.)
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