So, I know I've joked about the Snuggie a lot, but what if I actually bought one? Can we still be friends? My friend Kara got one as a gift, and I'm really jealous! Her room mate
Jessica loves it so much, she thinks it should be a national treasure (that's what she said in the infomercial she made for it anyway). And on the radio this morning, the DJ I was listening to was going on and on about how cozy
his Snuggie is. I think it's time I just stop pretending and get a Snuggie.

Another thing. I know it's insanely cold out, but am I the only one who thinks that ski masks are

really scary? On my way to work yesterday, I saw a guy standing at a bus stop wearing a ski mask and it freaked me out a little bit. Not that I blame the guy (or girl?), I mean, it is
freezing out, but... it looked like he was on his way to rob a bank. Maybe if it was crocheted it would have been less scary? Maybe not.
Have you guys seen all the Youtube videos of people doing the dance from Beyonce's video "
Single Ladies"? Honestly, once you start watching them, it's hard to stop. Check out this
kid, or
this dude, or
these people, or these
ladies. Some of them are good, some are just hilarious. I don't think I've watched any of them all the way through, but the first minute is enough. I should warn you though: you'll never get that song out of your head. Also, you might be disturbed. I should have said that first.
One more thought/question: exactly how much do I have to layer to stay warm in this

weather? I went so far as to wear two pairs of socks today - one pair is knee length, the other is normal length. It wasn't enough. I need more layers - but I'm not sure where to draw the line. I want to be warm, but I also want to avoid looking like this person.
Well, those are my thoughts this morning. I'm sorry most of them are cold weather related, but what can I say? That's my reality today. Cold, cold, cold. Maybe I should learn the Beyonce dance to warm up?
Man, all I see on TV now is the commercial for the Snuggie! I'd feel out of place buying it out here in West Texas, unless, of course, I wear it as a poncho...
Jonathan, I think what you need is either the Arctic tie or the Chillow, both of which are also sold online. :) You need to come up and visit! I'll even let you borrow my Snuggie (when I get it).
Thanks for the tips. I'll look into those fine products.
Yes! You just made my trip worthwhile. :)
Ok, I'll admit, I've tried a move or two from Beyonce's video in my own time in my own space (it's a workout!), and I did feel a little ridiculous at the time. But no where NEAR as ridiculous (or disturbing, in the case of the "dude") as the other videos I just watched! It is a little shocking how much time people put into copying that dance! They could be using that time to invent the next big thing to hit infomercials after the snuggie for crying out loud! :)
Most hilarious parody by far is Justin Timberlake actually performing with Beyonce and some other dudes on SNL or the "big girl" version. Ahhhhh, good times.
Oh yeah, I love the Justin Timberlake and the "big girl" versions! Those are great! Maybe I'll make one? I'll wear a Big Foot costume or something so my performance stands out from the rest. Look for me on youtube!
I've actually planning a post on how my 2 year old loves that song. She can only sing the "oh-oh-oooohh-o-uh-oh" part, which she does and points at the computer wanting me to turn on the you tube video for her. But after viewing the little girl you tube dance I am thoroughly freaked out by the direction this could head!
Have you seen the full length infomercial for the "Toasty Wrap" which is the exact same thing as the Snuggie? It’s even the same infomercial, but they're calling it the Toasty Wrap. Maybe they had some legal issues with one of the names or maybe they are trying to create some competition. I’m confused.
And what name do you think sounds more appealing: Toasty Wrap or Snuggie? Toasty Wrap makes me think of pulling my blanket right out of the dryer and wrapping up while the Snuggie makes me think of snuggling up on the coach maybe next to a fire. Both sound fantastic!
Toasty wrap sounds like a delicious food item on a cold day! :)
By the way, I'm sitting on my couch waiting for my furnace to warm up the living room, and I realize I'm dressed almost exactly like your many-layered example picture! :) I have on my hat, scarf, mittens, ugly thick flannel over random sweater and 2 other shirts, crazy socks, old ratty slippers, etc. This cold weather does not lend itself to looking good at all! :)
By the way, I meant to type snuggling up on the "couch" (not coach). I guess I need to start proof reading my comments. So just to clarify, I did not mean snuggling up on the coach (person, purse, horse drawn carriage or otherwise).
I agree with Sarah, "toasty wrap" sounds something I'd order from the drive through at McDonalds! I think between Snuggie and Toasty Wrap, I like Slanket the best. ;)
I would really like to see you doing the Beyonce dance. I fear that the song would never get out of my head, though.
P.S. I hate the cold.
Don't be ashamed of your love of the Snuggie. All those people who mock will be sorry when the Snuggie becomes a national treasure and has it's own exhibit at a Smithsonian.
I'll buy you a Snuggie, but only if you wear it to a social event such as a church activity AND I'll need photographic evidence...preferably posted on Facebook.
Yep, that would be money well spent! :)
When we were skiing in Utah over the holidays "All the Single Ladies" came on the radio... and Alan could not stop singing it, which was kind of funny since neither he nor I are single ladies. I figured out that "gentlemen" has the same number of syllables as "single ladies", and I sang it to him with the substitution. I forwarded the links to him.
Oh my gosh Ruth, that's hilarious. I miss you guys! I was so happy to see your comment just now! Alan cracks me up. Tell him he should learn the dance! I'll be looking for him on youtube.
Wait, Ben - I just saw your comment! I'll totally take you up on your offer!! ;)
Wait Elizabeth, I just saw YOUR comment... I didn't get the chance to buy you the snuggie! Dang yo! Would you still do it even though you already ordered one? How about you still attend a social event wearing it anyway?
that dude in the snow really disturbed me... so here's an atrocious one for you in retaliation:
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