This breathtaking clock was generously left on my desk a few months ago. I tried regifting it to Kathy and Justin over the months that followed, but it always ended up back on my desk. Eventually I just accepted that it was mine for keeps and positioned it so it's facing Kathy all day. Trust me, the look on her face says it all. She loves it.
But we've enjoyed its beauty long enough and decided that it might be time to find a new home for this gorgeous clock. So today Kathy posted it on craigslist with this description:
Take a safari ride back through time with this ceramic masterpiece. Feel the wind rush through your hair as you bump through the Serengati in your Jeep. This work of art is perfect for your new nursery or centered on the mantle in the family room. You can watch your newborn's eyes light up as they check the time. Or have a great conversation starter piece for those uncomfortable dinner parties. Either way, you can't lose. Monkey pendulum swings with ease, and the color palate makes this beautiful piece versatile for any decor. Made in China- sticker insignia still in tact to prove authenticity. (batteries not included.) Asking $125 OBO. (Will accept trade for Snickers)
Keep in mind that this is a total joke, and we wouldn't accept any real money for it (not that we'd be offered any). But... we'd definitely trade it for some Snickers.
I think you should give ME a Snickers just for having to look at the pictures of the clock. I really did feel the wind blowing through my hair, though, and thought I heard the distant roar of a lion...ah, the Serengeti...
$125? If you ask me, you're starting out too low. I'd say its at least worth Snickers and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
Wow, if we're bidding on a clock that was so obviously crafted by a master, I'd think about increasing Brady's offer to a Snickers, a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and a Milky Way.
HOW could you give that treasure up???!!?!
Take it to any Relief Society in a family ward and it will go like hotcakes. Trust me on this one.
LOL, that's so funny Najah. I am SHOCKED, but we haven't gotten any bids on it yet!
The baby checking the time is my favorite part!
Please tell me you still have that Ricky Martin CD, and rock out to it on a regular basis.
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