So I was just about to write a really girly post (asking what's the longest you've ever gone without shaving your legs) when I started thinking about the number of guys who read this blog. That got me wondering about how many guys that is, exactly. I know some guys read it (because they tell me) but they're less likely to comment, for whatever reason. To those of you guys who do comment, you're awesome, by the way.

So before I blog about leg shaving, makeup, or anything else that makes the guys click over to espn before reading the whole post, how about a little poll? See on the upper left there? Go ahead and click what your gender is, if you don't mind. Yes, I'm talking to you guys on google reader too. Come on over to the real blog for just a sec, please?
It'll just take a second and it might prevent me from blogging about the dreaded... menstrual cycle. Yeah, I went there. (But for the record, I would never ever blog about that - it was an idle threat.)
I was the first to post!
And I vote girly posts all the way!
post = poll
Yeeeeeah! Fifty-fifty!
It's fun to know who it is that is reading. Sometimes that's what spurs on the desire to keep posting.
I think a post from you about the menstrual cycle would be exceedingly entertaining, honestly. Can I vote for that too?
Question, if you're extra manly, are you allowed to vote male two or three...or 15 times (depending on how extra)?
I went almost 2 months without shaving my legs. So there. It was the best almost 2 months of my life.
But Lady Girl (Val), how did you sleep?! I can't go more than two days without shaving because that bristly feeling keeps me up when my legs rub against the sheets. That's the only real obstacle as far as I can see (besides the fact that it looks so gross - sorry). ;)
Oh, and Mike, yeah you can definitely do that. ;)
Can and did!
Guys, even if you're extra manly, you still only need to vote once. Elizabeth will be able to tell which individual mouse clicks have Tom Selleck moustaches, and which are merely faking it.
I once got a rash under my arms and took the advice of a doctor to shave my armpits. The shaving was awkward, but not difficult. Two days later I was miserable. That continued for a week as the hair grew out again. I gained a greater respect for women and their grooming habits. So, I've never shaved my legs.
The experience taught me two valuable lessons. First, don't take the advice of a BYU health clinic intern. Second, regardless of how cute and cuddly they look, the squirrels on campus are filthy disease carrying rodents. Don't stuff them in your sweatshirt, even on a dare.
Never a dull moment reading mark's comments. I tell you what.
I have gone a month or two without shaving my legs....sorry..but with 3 little kids that come in and rip the shower curtain open almost everytime I take a shower I sometimes haven't felt like it. Tmi btw. Oh well. Its for the sake of the blog. Lol.
Haha, I love Mark's comment. In some ways, I'm not even surprised he did something like that. What I'm wondering about is how he actually grabbed a squirrel!
idel threat smidel threat! I've been dying to read your thoughts on menstrual cycles. JK
Just in the way of FYI, all of my friends hate me because I'm pretty much the hairless wonder: I regularly shave my legs only like every two weeks. The hair is super fine, so it's never prickley. Love it. My arms are so smooth with the fineness that is my arm hair that people have asked me if I shave my arms. But nope! It's awesome. Just saying. And ps I LOL'd at squirrel boy.
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