Well, it seems things got a little heated yesterday in Wednesday thoughts. I'm sorry to anyone who may have been offended in the comments section- I guess nothing gets people worked up like talking about a first date, huh? I'll have to add talking about first dates to my list of things not to bring up on a first date.
I think that it would be best to post a light, fun post today about something I've been meaning to post about for awhile: products. Remember when I used to write about the Snuggie, the Arctic Pillow, the Smitten, and all that good stuff? It's been awhile! I've heard about some amazing new products recently and have three awesome ones to share with you today. Get your credit card out because I know you're going to want to buy at least one of these!
Puppy Tweets No, that's not a cutesy way of saying "puppy treats." We're talking about tweets as in Twitter. I just recently joined Twitter myself and it's kind of depressing to think that dogs learned how to Tweet before me (though I guess technically, birds learned it first! ba-da-bum!). Just attach the electronic tag to your dog's collar, and it will send a message to your computer updating your dog's Twitter account! If I had to guess what a dog's tweets looked like, I would assume it would be something like:
But if you think your dog might be up to something more interesting than that, this product is for you.
Solar Powered Pants
For the reasonable price of only $1,000 (almost), you can charge your phone in your pants pocket! These fashionable pajama cargo pants have solar panels that charge when you're out in the sun. Just sit outside for awhile and you can plug in your phone, iPod, or boom box. I know what you're thinking: "with these pants people will finally respect me."
If you live in Michigan where the sun don't shine for 4-6 months of the year, I'd suggest you pass on these, and invest in the next product instead.
Forever Lazy You know what's sooo hard? When I'm wearing my Snuggie and I stand up and my back is cold. You know what else is hard? Wearing warm clothes. And don't get me started on blankets. They're impossible! Thank goodness someone came up with the Forever Lazy! A Onesie made out of Snuggie material! With a flap for going to the bathroom, no less. Life is now complete.
The Forever Lazy!! I want one soooo much!!! Though when I get my fish, I'm wondering if they'll have a way for it to tweet. Oh the things it could tell us! ("I'm at the left side of my bowl. I'm at the right side of my bowl. I'm at the left side of my bowl. I'm at the front of my bowl.") As for the electrical Hammer pants, I think I'll pass...
P.S. I love the bird tweeting pun. Well done! I knew you couldn't deny the Downie pun gene.
I laughed for a good 2 minutes about the tweet joke. Hi-larious. I am all for the forever lazy...because I am....lazy. I have been wanting a giant onesie for some time now.
Wearing Forever Lazys at a tailgating party? Really? What planet do these people live on? Apparently a planet where people also invent dog tweeting and solar pants. Amazing.
I can just see the creators of snuggies and pajama jeans all crowded in one room, saying "Guys, i've got it! the ultimate combination of our two inventions: the pajama suit! ok, well let's add a hood here, put a zipper hatch there, and why not, lets throw in some fleece footies!"
What in the name of almighty flannel?? Those pants!! I don't even have words to comment. Oh yeah, wait, just what I always wanted to wear while shopping at the mall. I'm still in shock/fear.
Ok, now for the ultimate snuggie, I think I have to admit that I have always wanted an adult-sized (well, in my case, a child-sized adult?) pair of footed pajamas (is that correct to use the word, "pair?" That's what I've been told, but it doesn't make sense.) Anyway, I think I may slowly pull out my credit card for that purchase. :-)
It's so hard for me to decide they are all so good. I love them all. I think Bandit's tweets would be pretty boring unless he was at grandma's house. But I think that the best product it the forever lazy. I want one!
What they don't tell you about the pants is that the model isn't just snugging his hands in the pockets for fun, you actually have to hold the pants up b/c of the weight of the solar panel attached to your thigh.
Also, I'm very disappointed in the Forever Lazy. I saw exposed ankles. Come on! That's one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. We need full-footed PJs here, not just some after-thought fleece footies.
how on earth do you find these things! The pajama jeans were horrible, but this forever lazy takes it! To Malissa above, I have seen adult sized footed pajamas before, and they make kids ones really big too, if you needed one of those. They are easier to come by at Christmas, when all the children's stores are selling family pjs, but I know there are places that sell them year round too specifically for adults with silly prints.
I love that you can do so many things and go so many places while wearing the forever lazy. Plus when you order you get socks and a neck pillow for free. What a stylish deal.
The Forever Lazy!! I want one soooo much!!! Though when I get my fish, I'm wondering if they'll have a way for it to tweet. Oh the things it could tell us! ("I'm at the left side of my bowl. I'm at the right side of my bowl. I'm at the left side of my bowl. I'm at the front of my bowl.") As for the electrical Hammer pants, I think I'll pass...
P.S. I love the bird tweeting pun. Well done! I knew you couldn't deny the Downie pun gene.
I laughed for a good 2 minutes about the tweet joke. Hi-larious. I am all for the forever lazy...because I am....lazy. I have been wanting a giant onesie for some time now.
I just don't know how I have survived this long without these products. I feel so deprived.
Wearing Forever Lazys at a tailgating party? Really? What planet do these people live on? Apparently a planet where people also invent dog tweeting and solar pants. Amazing.
I can just see the creators of snuggies and pajama jeans all crowded in one room, saying "Guys, i've got it! the ultimate combination of our two inventions: the pajama suit! ok, well let's add a hood here, put a zipper hatch there, and why not, lets throw in some fleece footies!"
What in the name of almighty flannel?? Those pants!! I don't even have words to comment. Oh yeah, wait, just what I always wanted to wear while shopping at the mall. I'm still in shock/fear.
Ok, now for the ultimate snuggie, I think I have to admit that I have always wanted an adult-sized (well, in my case, a child-sized adult?) pair of footed pajamas (is that correct to use the word, "pair?" That's what I've been told, but it doesn't make sense.) Anyway, I think I may slowly pull out my credit card for that purchase. :-)
Four "stylish" colors. Let’s get real people - they may have four colors, but not a one is stylish.
It's so hard for me to decide they are all so good. I love them all. I think Bandit's tweets would be pretty boring unless he was at grandma's house. But I think that the best product it the forever lazy. I want one!
A natural rest for the breast...
What they don't tell you about the pants is that the model isn't just snugging his hands in the pockets for fun, you actually have to hold the pants up b/c of the weight of the solar panel attached to your thigh.
Also, I'm very disappointed in the Forever Lazy. I saw exposed ankles. Come on! That's one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. We need full-footed PJs here, not just some after-thought fleece footies.
how on earth do you find these things! The pajama jeans were horrible, but this forever lazy takes it! To Malissa above, I have seen adult sized footed pajamas before, and they make kids ones really big too, if you needed one of those. They are easier to come by at Christmas, when all the children's stores are selling family pjs, but I know there are places that sell them year round too specifically for adults with silly prints.
I love that you can do so many things and go so many places while wearing the forever lazy. Plus when you order you get socks and a neck pillow for free. What a stylish deal.
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