I saw this picture from Starwars yesterday when I was out on a walk (it was spray painted on the side of a wall) and it made me laugh. Another piece of street art I saw that made me laugh but also grimace is this one:
Aren't you glad the stuff with Kwame is moving into the past!? I know I am. I'm sure he is too.
I was thinking about seeing a movie sometime this week (maybe even later today). Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm debating between Marley and Me, The Curious Case of B.B., and Valkyrie, but I'd be open to other options.
My sister Katherine and I decided to do something different for New Year's this year so we are going to

On Thursday I'm starting a new blog (in addition to this one - does the vanity ever stop!?) called "picture a day." No pressure to check it out, but it might come in handy when you're trying to procrastinate doing something important and need a distraction. I'm here to help.
I hope you all have a happy and safe New Year's Eve! Do you have any fun plans?
I think you should see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, only because that is what I would pick if I had a choice. I saw Marley and Me with my family over the break. It was no academy award winner, but it was cute, and it had everyone but my stoic (and sort of cynical) brother in tears by the end. I think you have to be a dog person to appreciate it.
I DO have fun plans for New Years! I'm going to this B&B in Northern...wait. You know all about that. I'd really like to see you do a big death scene. That'd be pretty awesome! And I think it's a good idea about sitting in the background eating bon-bons. Delicious!
Amy, we ended up seeing Marley and me and we all cried like babies for the last fifteen minutes of the movie. I really liked it though! :)
I really want to see The Curious Case of B.B. Anyone up for a movie later this week?
And curiously, I am considering starting another blog for the new year, where I write something every day (mostly of the creative writing sort...) We'll see if I actually get it done.
Good luck with the death scene.
Sadly, the murder mystery was canceled but we still had a blast! :)
We have a murder mystery activity for our Ward's youth next Wednesday! It should be fun. I really debated who to give the dead guy part to because he just has to be dead on the floor almost the entire time.
How is your Picture blog going? You haven't posted a picture since May 2012.
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