Is it wrong to have a crush on Magnum PI? I say definitely not. Not Tom Selleck. Magnum PI. There's a huge difference. My friend Kathy said that she finds his chest hair in the picture I posted gross. However, she didn't mention his mustache, which leads me to believe that she's a huge fan. I'm going to post a poll on the side and you guys can weigh in. (Only the most important topics on this blog!)
And while we're on the subject, which show had a better theme song, Magnum or the A Team?
In an unrelated thought, when playing Dr. Mario against your dad, should you let him win? Or at least not drop so many do-do-do-doots?
Also, who submitted my name to receive those AARP e-mails? Very funny, whoever you are.
Lastly, am I too young to become a snowbird? But what if I really hate winter? Can exceptions be made?
As far as the mustache goes, I prefer the Higgin's stache. I vote Justin grows one for the luau.
And I would have to vote A team for the theme song. It's a close call for sure, but anything with Mr. T in it automatically wins.
Kathy: I will if you will
And the Magnum theme song is 10 times better. I downloaded it and put it on my MP3 player. It's that good.
The AARP emails sound like something Kathy or I would do, but I promise I had nothing to do with it :)
Justin, aren't you the one who also thought Chocolate Rain deserved a Grammy? I pity the fool who downloads the Magnum theme song. (Sorry, I had to use the phrase at least once.)
A-Team theme song, no question! However, Magnum PI as a show still ranks right up there, maybe I'll say they are tied (mostly because Mr T. is so darn lovable). We used to gather round the TV at lunch in ye olde college dorm to watch them in the afternoon. Good times.
The real question is, what weird foreign youtube operation are you finding these things on?? French YouTube? Ukranian YouTube?? :)
you say that like I should be ashamed. Well I'm not. Chocolate Rain DOES deserve that Grammy. I wrote a letter to the Grammy Police expressing my dissatisfaction; Tay Zonday will get that Grammy if I have anything to say about it.
And as far as Magnum is concerned...that is a great dance song. You can't exactly get up and shake your stuff to the A Team theme.
Sarah - ye old college dorm!? You are hilarious! Are you referring to the A-Team youtube clip? Kathy sent me that and I asked her the same thing. lol Also, are you the one who also clicked on "just right" in the poll? I love it.
Has Tay even lifted the restraining order yet? And I will ask you one more time to please stop humming that song in your deepest humming voice. I'm trying to get some work done.
Elizabeth - I think that this post just confirms and exposes your deep love of chest hair.
Boys be warned: If you want Elizabeth to love you, you better have some chest hair!
Oh my gosh, Emily. I can't believe you wrote that! lol
When you asked if you are too young to be a snowbird, I hope you didn't mean definition number four. Because you are never too young to be a cokehead.
LOL, I didn't even see that definition. I definitely didn't mean that one. Maybe I should have clarified, I meant definition three. That is so funny.
I think that I prefer the Magnum theme song. It brings back the childhood memories! I love that show! And I'd like to fly south myself...
I'm not even looking at the hair, how about that HUGE phone he's holding?!
LOL at Brandi's comment!
Being closer to Magnum's age, I feel qualified to say that there was nothing to complain about re: his looks, including hair. And he did have the best theme song. Of course, we were looking at him while listening to it and not Mr. T. That might have skewed my opinion. Sorry about the AARP e-mails. Higgins did that by mistake.
I wonder if anyone is going to fess up to voting for "not hairy enough?"
This is so funny. When I saw your post in my Google Reader, and the pic of Magnum, I said to Chris (before I even read the post), "Mmmmm...I used to have SUCH a crush on Magnum, P.I." But you're right, it isn't Tom Selleck, it's definitely all about the Magnum...:)
who knew Magnum could illicit such quality comment conversation?
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