We don't want to get our hopes up of course. Well, except Kathy, who is trying to jinx us all by telling us that she's going to count on having a snow day tomorrow, and plan her day accordingly. Everyone knows this is a bad idea! But she won't be talked out of it.
I'm planning on working tomorrow... but in the back of my mind I am secretly planning on a snow day. This is what I have planned:
7:00 Wake up, check the news, see that it's a snow day, cheer, dance

7:05 Back in bed, asleep
11:00 Wake up, watch The Price is Right, eat a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup
12:00 Go sledding
1:30 Come in, freezing and wet, change to warm clothes
1:35 Make hot chocolate
1:40 Get under a blanket on couch and watch either Christmas Vacation or The Grinch
3:30 Nap
That about covers it. There might be slight variation, but I think that looks like a good plan. Am I forgetting any good snow day activities?
However, if we do end up having to work, Kathy and I have been considering going in together on buying either a pack of sled dogs or a a snowmobile. We live a couple blocks away from each other, so we'll carpool. Kathy thinks people will complain about the sled dogs barking all the time, but I think they're the better choice (especially because she'd keep them at her house). I'll let you know when we make our decision.
I think you should postpone the hot chocolate until 1:38. You have to factor in any potential wipe outs on the sled.
I personally would still prefer to come in to work, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
can I sledpool with you and Kathy? It's not that far out of the way.
Elizabeth, sleeping in until 11:00 may be a little difficult, since I plan on pelting your windows with snowballs at 7:06 am in celebration of the DEFINITE snow day.
Justin, you are more than welcome to sledpool as long as you can be at Elizabeth's by 7:30 sharp this time. And you have to promise not to scream "mush" in my ear the whole way or keep asking us to stop so you can pet the dogs.
I have to admit that instead of being angry, I would be totally cracking up if you actually did pelt my windows with snowballs. Of course, if you do do that, you can count on getting a flaming bag of sled dog poo on your porch a couple hours later. Just be warned.
I can't stop laughing when I imagine the three of us taking sled dogs to work. Are we really that dedicated?
well I know *i'm* that dedicated. looks like I'll be riding in solo tomorrow if there's a snow day. I'm not sure I can control that many dogs by myself. We'll see...
Snowball pelting is totally worth the flaming doo-doo.
Try to remember the incident with the giant drift the last time you went dogsledding solo, Justin.....
I don't want to have to come shovel you out again.
That is the best work policy ever!!! I'm so jealous.
You're in for a world of disappointment by joining us teachers with our dashed hopes! Snow days never happen when you want one, that's just how it works out. Altho, I would LOVE to be proved wrong tomorrow. :)
Did I tell you that I'm actually going dog-sledding? I'll get training and everything!
Yeah, we got some bad news earlier that it looks like it might not snow as much as we thought :( Hopefully that will change again!
When are where are you going dog-sledding!?
Hey, you guys would drive right by the school where I work...can I sledpool, too?? I would be the COOLEST teacher if I got there on a dogsled!
I like your planned snow day, E. And I really want some grilled cheese and tomato soup el pronto. AND an adorable pet squirrel (not to eat!) that plays in the snow. SO CUTE!! He'd have to always be in snow or a snow-like substitute, though. Otherwise, not-so-cute...
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH you HAVE to let me borrow your sled dogs one of these days! Who cares if I live in Louisiana, where we only get snow once every 10 years? I'd ride them to work anyway!
I really hope you get your snow day tomorrow! That sounds like a LOVELY day!!
Dog-sledding after Christmas when I go back out to Colorado. My brother and I are getting that for each other for a Christmas present this year. :)
Your snow day itinerary is just perfect, by the way!
I keep checking the weather, hoping, but starting to feel like you'll have to postpone it this time.
So how's that snow day working out? By your schedule, you should be sledding right now, so I hope you are having fun.
The schedule is working out really well! I already watched The Price is Right, and ate some tomato soup. But I am replacing sledding with going over to a friend's house to play Dr. Mario :) It's definitely shaping up to be a great snow day!
what's it like to go back to bed when you want to? I forget!
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