Did you guys know there's a place in Michigan called Cement City?
Is 45 minutes too far to drive to TP someone?
Is it my stapler that's busted, or are my staples substandard? If it turns out it's my stapler, then I owe the staple company an apology.
These are questions to which I may never have answers. Except the second one. There actually is a place in Michigan called Cement City.
Kathy told me she has a summer cabin in Cement City. We'll have to TP that too. Oh wait, she'll probably read this and reply with a sassy comment denying her love for all things cement.
Justin, consider the offer to use the cabin whenever you want revoked. Have fun trying to find a summer home with all the luxuries this one has:
My grandma grew up in Cement City. And a lot of my relatives still live near there. I drive through it all the time. It's not quite the boom town it once was. :)
Emily, is everything there made of cement? Why is it called Cement City? And I had no idea you had roots there! We should definitely go there next time you're in Michigan.
To your first question:
If you tore the donut in half and let it sit there, then the calories leaked out and it totally doesn't count as 1 full donut. If you ate half of a whole donut in the morning, and then half of another whole donut in the afternoon, then it counts as 1 donut.
Wow, are all your days full of so many important and life changing thoughts, or are Wednesdays your deep thinking days?
You might be surprised to know this Mike, but my thoughts are this deep almost every day.
I would say that eating half a donut in the morning and half a donut in the afternoon is worse than just eating the whole donut in the morning. If you eat it in the morning you have the whole day to burn it off, so it's pretty much like not eating it at all.
I would love to take you to Cement City. It's not far from Stagecoach Stop - we should go there too so I can show you the spookiness. If you only knew how deep my roots go back in this part of Michigan. I won't bore you will details but I could take you to some random cool cemeteries up that way. And I'm not sure why it's called Cement City - I'm pretty sure the town (if you can call it that) is not made entirely out of cement. I'll have to consult my the county history and get back to you.
My roots are pretty deep in Michigan too - I wonder if any of our relatives ever knew each other- wouldn't that be cool? I'm picturing them in their oldtimey (non scary) clothes with their horses, bonding while playing oldtimey Dr. Mario (they used real viruses and real pills... it was much riskier than the modern Dr. Mario). No wonder we get along so well! I can't wait to see Cement City when you get back to Michigan!
So I was all set to write a really funny, clever comment when I saw all that was already written. I feel like the bad comic who comes on after all the good ones. So, all I'll say is, "Hilarious!" and move along.
Hey you all....
Cement City is out past my house. (Clinton) It was called Cement City because that was the major industry in the town, I believe a major cement plant in this area. There used to be a big cement patch and cement "tunnels" if you will, when you drove into the town, but I think they are gone now. Or maybe turned into a power station. I can't remember. I do know it was called Kelly's Corners before the Cement plant opened. Don't ask me why or how I know that....but it was.
Uncle George either built those two lighthouses out there, or was working on them and that is when he broke his back....long long ago in the Irish Hills.
Stagecoach Stop is out of business and has all been auctioned off, as is the Prehistoric Forest and The Golden Nugget. Irish Hills area is deteriorating rapidly. Not much to do out there anymore.
The best time to go out there is in the summer when Jerry's Pub is open and sit on the lake and eat dinner...mmmm.mmmm.
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