
Thursday, August 4, 2011


My good friend Jesse knows that if there's one thing that gets me worked up, it's sexist comments. They get me all kinds of riled up! Jesse takes full advantage of this for his own amusement. Today I responded to a text he had sent me calling me a punk. I demanded an explanation but his explanation wasn't good enough for me and the following textversation ensued. It's more of a "sexist-off" than anything. He won.

I don't normally share things like this but it made me laugh and I thought some of you (men, especially) might find it amusing. I told Jesse I could change his name to protect his identity but he said he didn't really care if people knew it was him.

Jesse's texts are in gray, mine are in green.

Men!! (I was not trying to make out with him, for the record!)


Katherine said...

HA! Men.

Claire said...

Feminist that I am, I definitely think that women are much more likely to twist men's words around than vice versa.

Elizabeth Downie said...

Haha, Claire, I agree.... but don't tell anyone I said that. ;)

Katherine said...

HA! Love the new 30 Rock quote!!!

Jesse Davis said...

How dare he! Some guys!

NOURNME said...

I'm so proud of him but you need to stop setting yourself up. You always make it so easy, typical woman.

Elizabeth Downie said...

I *always* make it so easy!?!? Adam!!!

Mark said...

I agree with Claire, because I was confused by who was saying what. Typically (after swapping "man" for "woman"), I hear the green comments from from men, and the grey ones from women.

This reminds me of a girl I used to know in Ann Arbor who would say "Why can't we just compromise and do it my way?"

Guys are much more likely to say "Let's play by my rules, or I'm taking my ball home!"

Liz Hughes said...

Wait a second. I think it's time for you to stop blogging and get back to the kitchen. ;)