
Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Swine Flu Scares Me

When I first heard about the swine flu, my first thought was, "I don't want to turn into a swine!" So I decided to look into it and I discovered that the symptoms had nothing to do with transmogrification, thank goodness. But don't get me wrong, the actual symptoms sound pretty bad.

At first I thought that since most reported cases are in Mexico, we were probably safe in Michigan - for awhile anyway. But no, it's made its way up north. Here's a link to a CNN map. I think mine is better: (I really don't mean to make light of a horrible illness that's killed people, but the smiling swine make me less scared)

Promise me if I get it, you'll come visit me in quarantine? I promise not to kiss you and pass it on to you. I mean, unless I'm really enjoying our visit and don't want you to go. You understand.


David and Linda said...

This might make you feel a little better: I got a swine flu vaccination when I was pregnant with you. So maybe you're still covered?!? Of course, it's probably not the same strain, but I thought I'd give you a little hope. mom

Brian said...

Maybe the parents caught the swine flu at the beginning of Spirited Away, and that's why they turned into pigs?

Brady said...

See, I'm more concerned about this:

All along they've been saying it's the bird flu that was going to get us. But no, that seems to have been a front. Those pigs went and developed their own flu while we were all distracted by the birds. Who do they think they are?

AMy said...

ignorance is bliss in these types of situations.

justin said...

what?! thanks for bursting my bubble. I was really hoping to turn into a swine by the end of the week.

On a happy note: at least we'll be able to put those masks from the asbestos scare to use again. I think I looked quite dashing in mine.

Kathy said...

I know this flu is serious, but I keep picturing poor, little and adorable Babe in bed with tummy troubles. "Baa Ram Ewe!" Sigh. I love that movie. Sorry, off subject...

If you get Swine Flu, I promise to wave at you from my bed through the quarantine plastic, since I will probably have it too at that point.

Liz Hughes said...

"I'm not worried about the swine flu, I've already got the swine flu. I'm worried about the turtle flu."-- parks an rec.