Occasionally, when friends are trying to set me up with one of their friends, they ask me for a dating age range. This is a hard one. I'm
32, so I usually say the youngest I'll date is 26, and the oldest is... I don't know. I'm not clear on that one. But I don't know too many older single men so that one isn't the problem. The problem is the younger range. So I thought I'd ask you guys - how much younger is too young? 23? 24? 25? Does it depend on the guy? Insights?
Let me clarify - I don't want to date a much younger (early 20's) guy, I'm just asking what you guys think is a good range.
I personally think 26-27 is a pretty safe limit- you probably have more common interests with someone that age. But I could be wrong. I'll ask the UPS guy how old he is.
You can always go younger and be a cougar. It's very in right now. :)-
wait...I thought Zach Efron was like 17?! that would be inappropriate.
Jeez, that is disgusting!!! He's 21! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zac_Efron
i know a girl down here was 29 and married a 21-year-old return missionary lol. and cute couple too lol. i say go for older guys though. much better. Don is 38 and I'm 31!
I would go for older guys if I knew any... does Don have any friends? :)
i think you should embrace you inner cub-cougar and did i notice that you made the font on your age smaller???
Right before I started dating Adam I was dating a guy who was 22. I was 28.5 That said...the brain is finally finished developing around the 25th year; give or take a few months. And a slight change happens in most people...not necessarily good or bad...just change. Younger men give a spark that is quite refreshing. Adam's 2.5 years younger...but most of my days at BYU I was daying guys 5+ years younger.
They say your lower limit should be like half of your age plus 7 or 11. Shoot, I don't remember which one. I guess that makes a big difference here. I'll see if I can find it anywhere on the web....
i don't mind younger guys. but at this point i'd say no younger than 25. 28 would be perfection. older guys freak me out. i mean, i don't LOOK 32. and there's a guy in my stake that is like within a year or two of me and i seriously thought he was in his 40's. not cool. and i'd say you also look younger than you are. i mean, hi, you're hot, right? and you don't want some creepy old guy. i'd say a safe range would be 25-35 at this point. :)
I agree with Angela and Angela. ;) 25-35 is safe, because you want someone who will be able to relate to you to some extent. I don't want to be with a guy who was still in elementary school when I graduated from high school, nor do I want to be with someone who graduated from high school when I was still in learnin' my ABCs. Of course, it's the maturity level, not the age that counts, but, you know, whithin reason...
ok, so i'm 32 as well and went out with a 25 yr old, which was ok. .. BUT he told me his mom was 41 and i threw up!
OMG!!! You mentioned your age! You have always been so vague when it comes to your age. I know how old you are now, I now have all the ammo against you that I need. Mwah, mwahaha. I'm just kidding. ;)
So that guy friend I mentioned marries his child bride (15 yrs younger) next week. Just thinking about it enrages me. There is no situation in which an age difference that big is acceptable.
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