
Monday, June 30, 2008

When bad things happen to good people

Or in other words, a bug flew into my eye on two separate occasions today. Two different bugs on two different occasions. The first one happened when I was on a walk with Sarah. We were just walking along, trying to get in some exercise, when suddenly the aforementioned bug flew right into my eye. Sarah, being a concerned friend, asked me if I wanted her to look in my eye to see if the bug was in there. I hesitated, not knowing if the confirmation of the bug being in my eye would make me feel better or worse. I decided it would be better to know and told her yes. She looked in my eye and confirmed that there was indeed a tiny bug in there. I don't know why, but I just wasn't ready to hear that. I screamed for about five seconds. When that didn't do anything, I actually tried (unsuccessfully) to get the bug out. Sarah stepped in and got it out for me. What a nice friend, huh?

Anyway, I tried to put the incident out of my head after that. Then tonight I decided to go for a little jog. I went a different route than usual (that might have been my mistake) and was minding my own business when again, a bug flew into my eye! It was the same kind of bug as earlier! What is with that family of bugs? I mean, I know my eyes are beautiful, but please try to resist flying straight into them!

I've come to a conclusion. I'm going to have to wear goggles at all times when I'm outside. This might put a cramp in my social/dating life but it's just a temporary measure until I can find a way to eradicate that species of bug. I'm open to suggestions. I mean, who would want to date a girl with a bug in her eye anyway!? I ask you!


Katherine said...

Yeah, go for the goggles. That's a good look for anyone, really, and you would never lack for a topic of conversation!

The Leo said...

Yet another reason why I don't exercise. I think you should cease all outdoor excursions immediately. Agoraphobes Rock!

Amy said...

I think you may be wrong about goggles' affect on your social/dating life. You may get some funny looks at first, but once you explain why you are wearing the goggles, people will realize that you don't just stand back and let bad things happen to you - you take matters into your own hands and solve your life problems. They will be appropriately impressed by your initiative and ingenuity, and you will certainly not be at a loss for friends and dates at that point.

Amy said...

Oops. I mean effect, not affect. I should know better.

Elizabeth Downie said...

Amy, I love your comment. Thanks for the encouragement. I assume that that means I can count on you to still hang out with me when I'm wearing goggles?

Najah, I will consider your suggestion! ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok, let's get it straight...I confirmed there was a bug in your eye, and then you let out a SHRIEK that lasted way beyond normal scream time. It sorta just went on and on, not changing in pitch or volume. And the best part is that you didn't flail about, or jump wildly, or wiggle in simply stood perfectly still, almost calm, and shrieked like a banshee. Definitely a classic moment! :)

Elizabeth Downie said...

Sarah, that is so funny. That is a very good description of what happened! How embarrassing! My fear paralized me. :) Thanks again for your help!