So, I'm not sure how into this blog I'm going to be. I'm pretty sure I'm over-thinking it! Right now I'm still thinking about how I want to do it. But I got the hardest part over with: coming up with a catchy title for my blog (I caved under the pressure and just used my name...that's the kind of creativity you can look forward to in this blog). And I have SO many interesting stories to choose from. For example, today I almost stepped on a worm!! If that's not a bloggers dream, I don't know what is. Also, this evening I went to the hardware store to look at seed packets. As you can see, I have so many interesting stories to choose from that I must keep people up to date on. Most likely h0wever, the only person who will read this blog will be Katherine, and even then it will only be because I'll be asking her, "so have you read my blog yet?" And she'll get fed up with my asking and she'll read it because she's nice like that. Maybe I'll end up nagging some of my other friends too because stories like mine simply must be told. All kidding aside, let the blogging begin!
My personal blogging philosophy: Once you blog it, it automatically becomes interesting. Welcome to the blog world :)
Yeah, I think I've read this post 5 times. I like it, though! Great layout, too. ;) SO, whaddrya gonna post about next?
Welcome! I hate my blog and blogging. I look at the women's pages in my ward and how they have play dates w/ ea. others kids and I'm never part of it! It makes me sad ea. time!
Screech, is that you? I love you Annjilla! :) Move back to Michigan and I promise I'll invite you to have play dates with me. I'll borrow my nieces and nephews for it.
i gotta say, i heart your blog. and i won't lie, i still have a saved email from like 1996 with your recipe for frozen sprite. basically, i think no matter what the topic is, you're pee my pants funny! :)
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