But the snow was sparkling and beautiful today, and as I walked through it, taking pictures, I didn't hate it. In fact, I was amazed by how pretty it was. I blame vitamin D for my recent occasional spurts of winter tolerance. (Having the day off doesn't hurt either.)
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For more pictures, or to see some of these larger, go here |
This morning, Punxsutawney Phil, the known liar, predicted that spring will come early this year. But I've been hurt by that groundhog before. Spring will come when it always comes - in about 10 weeks. Wait - 10 weeks doesn't sound too bad, does it? I'm pretty sure I can make it through 10 weeks. Well, kinda sure. Like, 32% sure. A warm mug of hot cocoa could boost that up to a solid 38%.
I'm about to snuggle up under a blanket and watch Groundhog Day, so I will leave you with a quote from said movie:
You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life. - Phil
And you thought I had a bad attitude about winter?! Actually I figured out the secret to surviving winter, and here it is:
Vitamin D
Warm blankets
Good movies
Heated car seats
Good friends
Leg warmers and knee socks (together)
If you have anything to add, please do.
Happy Wednesday!
Ha! I'm with you on Punx. Phil. Thinks he's so special. I like to think of spring coming in a matter of weeks - makes it seem much more tolerable!!
I heard Phil was found frozen stiff this morning. It was bound to happen. What kind of normal groundhog would wake up and stick his head out in the middle of a blizzard?
A local news anchor lady said she held Punxy Phil once. It bit her! Everyone was so concerned for Phil...they forgot about her! She said it shows you how very important he is!
Silly ridiculous holiday... and I love it. I love the snow castle walkway.
The secret to surviving winter is to go some place warm ;)
Lots of snow huh??
I am blog hopping today and thought I would stop by your blog.
Feel free to stop by either or both of my blogs and follow:
Jessicas Lil Corner is where I blog about life and family at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com
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Come on over, say hello, and follow!
Have a blessed Thursday!
You realize that Phil is only correct something like 39% of the time, right? They should reverse what "Seeing his shadow" means.
Go ahead - Google it. You know you want to :)
Um, this new blog header is SO AWESOME!!!!! Yay you!!
Punxsutawney Phil is a known liar. Why does he even try? Winter is cold, it's long, and the darn groundhog lies, lies, lies!
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