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Blurry effects caused by ghostly presence |
spend the night in an open coffin at the bottom of an open grave?
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Check in by 10:00pm, check out at sunrise. |
Things to consider:
- Ghosts (at both)
- Goosebumps (at both)
- Heebie jeebies (at both)
- Permanent psychological damage (at both)
- Bumps in the night (at both)
- Reputation for being tough (from both)
Which do you choose, and why?
WHY did I not turn the lights on before reading this? WHY??? Um...I don't know which! You know me and claustrophobia, so the grave idea makes me ill. But I don't wanna hang out in a haunted crypt, either! Ooooh, this is a good WYR. Now, if the ghost at the crypt happened to actually be Gerard Butler as the Phantom of the Opera at Christine's dad's crypt, I would TOTally be OK with that. Clearly that's not an option (the blurry picture is evidence of that), so I guess I'll go with...WAIT! Does Spike live in this crypt? I might be OK with hanging out with him and watching TV for a night - of course, only if he still has the chip in his head...hmm... OK, decision time. I'm going to be scarred for years either way (and am already slightly scarred as a result of this long WYR decision), so I'm going with...can the ghosts at the crypt touch you? Or just scare you? And can animals (ie: werewolves) get to you in the grave? Are there ghosts there, too? Or vampires? You know, besides Spikey? All right, I'm tough, I'm tough...THE GRAVE!! Ai-ai-ai... Odds are I'd pass out the moment I got down there, and at least it's padded...? Oh, the nightmares I'm having tonight.
Definitely the haunted crypt. I would get completely freaked out in an open coffin at the bottom of an open grave. I would feel claustrophobic, even if it was open. I would also fear that monsters or ghosts would come start shoveling dirt on me. I'm getting freaked out even thinking about it.
Coffin for sure. Those things are so plush and comfy on the inside, talk about sleeping in style!
P.S. I DID have nightmares, thank you very much. ;) (No, seriously - I did.)
Ditto katherine.
P.s. thanks for the panic attack I had while reading this.
DEFINITELY in the crypt. If I was in the coffin, some evil person might start to throw dirt on me and bury me alive!
I choose crypt. I can handle a ghost, but I can't handle the creepy crawlies that would be in the dirt (and could fall on me), OR the possibility of someone trying to bury me! :(
There's no way I would ever ever ever get into a coffin over night while still alive. Remember Paulo and Nikki from Lost? What if I was somehow bitten by a spider that puts me in a death-like coma? No way. I still remember their eyes popping open as they were getting buried. No.
No doubt the crypt. Because in a coffin, which only fits one person, I'd have no chance of finding a beautiful vampire wanting to bite my neck and make a immortal to live with her happily ever after ;)
Coffin...kinda like camping, but better than a sleeping bag! The crypt is HAUNTED, people, and you are in there by yourself...at least friends could sit up at the edge of my grave site to keep me company, right? :)
Coffin, as long as it didn't rain. The coffin is open, right? So I could look up at the stars and listen to the wind. What if I have to go to the bathroom, or want a drink of water?
Maybe the crypt if I could bring a book and a candle (plus matches) and it was haunted by someone interesting to talk to that wouldn't give me advice on my love life. Yeah, I've got a grandma too.
I would have to go with the crypt. I would be terrified of being buried alive after the coffin accidently closes. I guess I watch too much vampire diaries and the crypts there don't see too terrible. Both seem very undesirable, though. I would rather not.
I think I might have to go with the coffin on this one. Not because I find either one of them particularly terrifying, but because coffins these days are pretty plush. Crypts are not. I would rather lay in a comfy down filled, silk sheeted bed than a stone slab any day.
I'd have to go with the crypt. It would be more fun huddling in the corner, jumping at every little sound. Good times!
It looks like you're going to have to shell out for some therapy for your sisters.
Crypt for sure. I am terrified of being buried alive and even though the coffin and the grave are both open I'm not taking any chances.
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