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This could be you. |
Live in a space station (yes, in outer space) for 10 weeks with a space crew (not of your choosing), with limited communication with earth...
Things to consider:
- Going to the bathroom would be a whole new experience. I recently heard that because there's no gravity, astronauts have to sit on a toilet with suction to help the process. Just something to think about.
- All the astronaut ice cream you can eat.
- I once heard an astronaut say he felt so disconnected in space, he wanted to hang himself but couldn't because of well, you know, gravity. But he was in space for longer than ten weeks, so don't worry, you'll be fine.
- This website (link) was full of useful tips to consider.
- You might get probed.
- Bonus: earth looks cool from outer space.
Live in a submarine deep in the sea for 10 weeks (once again with a crew not of your choosing) with limited communication with the outside world.
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Your experience would be nothing like this picture. |
Things to consider:
- The claustrophobia, my gosh, the claustrophobia!
- You could write a dramatic screenplay about your experience under the sea, inspired by the call of the dolphins.
- Just knowing you're that close to sharks gives me the heebie jeebies.
- But then again, maybe you could develop a whimsical pseudo-friendship with an octopus you occasionally see swim by. It'll be all in your head, but I'm not here to judge.|
- Here's a humorous website with helpful tips to prepare for this mission.
- Bonus: you're on earth.
Which do you choose, and why?
the useful content u provided do help the research for my group, appreaciate that.
- Lucas
I'd have to go with space. How many people get the chance to go there? I would go just for the obnoxiously awesome bragging rights. ("Watch this 10 minute video of me eating Oreos in zero gravity! Look at my 100 similar pictures of the Earth!") Plus, the space toilets don't scare me. I deal with Japanese squat toilets, so I can do anything.
Definitely space. I'd face space aliens over great white sharks any day! Plus with the lack of gravity, exercising would feel great. I could run for miles (but wouldn't, I'd get bored), or lift hundreds of pounds of weights (but wouldn't...mostly due to laziness).
Space! Astronaut ice cream rocks! Actually, it doesn't, but whatever. Space! the view would definitely be better, and the crew would be smaller. Also, if they got too annoying, airlocks are easier to operate than torpedo bays (and easier to lure unsuspecting crewmates into)
I'm going with submarine because I've been in one before and I know what to expect. I'm not a fan of sharks but I have to say that it was pretty neat to see one up close in its natural habitat. I'd rather spend 10 weeks seeing diverse things at the bottom of the ocean than 10 weeks dealing with weird smells, gross water, and potentially awkward toilet incidents. According to your NASA link: "All of the denizens of the space station lose water when they exhale or sweat. Such vapors add to the ambient cabin humidity, which is eventually condensed and returned to the general water supply." Um, no thanks. I would love to go to outer space, but only for a day.
Going to go with space. Imagine all the cool things you would see. I would love it! Plus the thought of being weightless holds some appeal :)
I'm still a little torn, even though I've been thinking about this for a few days now. I like the idea of being weightless and seeing space and stuff, but I agree with Justin - only for 1 day. My fear of being lost in space I think just slightly outweighs my terror of the ocean. And that's saying something, 'cause that terror is real. OK, I'm going to have to go with submarine, then end this comment because the claustrophobia is kicking in and I might pass out if I don't stop thinking about it. Aaaaaaaak!
I choose submarine. You know how I feel about flying. Can you imagine how I'd act in a space shuttle? The other astronauts would probably get so irritated at my constant panic. Then they would vote me off the shuttle and eject me into outer space. The submarine choice makes me think of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I hope I don't have to fight a giant octopus while I'm down there. And I hope Justin is part of the crew. I need someone to wake up at 3 am to bake rolls for me.
Space...the ride up would be awful, I'm certain, but then I get to float around for 10 weeks!! :)
Space. I'd love to see the whole earth. But according to this season's Top Chef, there's no guarantee of ice cream. :(
Definitely space. How cool would that be? I didn't have to click on the website. That no gravity bit would be totally awesome. Honestly, I think the suction toilet even sounds kinda cool. Maybe it would be awful. I might end up getting pulled in like Ally McBeal. That would be bad. But, it would be so cool to be out there with the stars and see Earth and the other planets from space. Submarine doesn't even come close!
I would have to choose outer space. I agree with whoever said that watching all of the sea life would be cool, but I think I would be way too claustrophobic to enjoy it.
Space - the final frontier. I've loved astronomy since I was a kid.
Me and the ocean are still on tenuous terms. I choose space. Besides fish are creepy when they get up in your face. But, if anyone wants to visit, I can take you to the best snorkeling spot IN THE WORLD.
I would completely have to go with Space. no questions asked. I can barely snorkle without freaking out about breathing in the water. I hate all movies about boats (except Titanic). It is practically a miracle that I swim as part of my sport. I would also have to go with space because as an enginerd, I think that is way cooler and much more technologically advanced.
Other points to consider - if you were in the sub you'd have the beatles "we all live in a yellow submarine" stuck in your head. but if in space you'd be tempted to add "in space" in a far off echoy voice after everything you said (i'm going to go to the bathroom now...in spaaacccceee)
I think I would choose space, but it's possible that at the last minute I'd change my mind to submarine. I think I'd be less ill on a sub. But... I just can't decide. If I must though, I'll chose space. It seems less oppressive.
I listened to an interview this weekend on NPR about using the bathroom in space. The excitement of being able to see the Big Blue Marble pales in comparison to the convenience of having gravity for everyday needs.
It has taken me a few days to comment on this post b\c I can't stop laughing . Then I tried yesterday but thought I would read some other peoples first so i didnt sound dumb,but was then laughing to hard at mike and bradys comments to then comment myself.
But I have made it, here I am. I have no idea which I would choose. Your my sister,so you know how many nights mom slept on my floor b\c I thought sharks were in the closet(something I've begin to think one of my loving siblings probably told me..need I say the words penny in my brain). But I also have a large fear or my brain exploding in space,heights and my butt being suctioned. Hhmmmmm, if I had to choose: death. Sorry. Neither. Just kill me dead if those are my last 2 options.lol.
Neither are options for me! I am NOT a social person but I get downright depressed/crazy if not near my family (hermits unite. Literally.) and the thought of no oxygen, pressure...no no NO.
I'd choose space. They'd both be suffocating, but I think space would be a little less. Plus I have never heard of anyone being probed in space but I have heard of many people on earth being probed so it may be safer in space.
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