I had never been there before, but when a friend from Utah (living in Michigan) mentioned that he'd always wanted to check it out, I thought it was the perfect time to go. Some of the must-see sites in Hell include:
- The dam (for the jokes)
- The Dam Site Inn (both to eat at, and to make jokes about)
- The wedding chapel with a question mark at the top (where a lot of couples were getting married this past Saturday)
- Screams ice cream shop (where many goods are sold for $6.66)
- The post office (where they will burn the corners of your postcard and post mark it "Hell, Michigan")
- Loads of those "put your face in the hole" photo ops
Does your state have a city with a cool or embarrassing name? I'd rather live in Hell (Hell, Michigan, that is) than these (actual) cities:
Embarrass, Wisconsin
Meat Camp, North Carolina
Cookietown, Oklahoma
Oddville, Kentucky
Boring, Tennessee
Greasy, Oklahoma
Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Possum Grape, Arkansas
Sleepy Eye, Minnesota
Chunky, Mississippi (no way does anyone there have good self esteem)
Horneytown, North Carolina (I didn't make that up)
Do you know of any other towns with crazy names? Which one of those would you least want to live in?
People from both intercourse and horneytown must get slapped a lot ,(talking to a girl)"yeah I went to horneytown high school." Slap! Lol. How embaressing.
I would reeeeeeeally like to live in Cookietown!! That would be awesome. I do love Hell (MI). It's ridiculous, but always makes me laugh! I think the town I'd least like to live in is the last one on your list. I can't even write the name of it, it's too embarrassing (WI)! (Did you see the "Monkey Poo Toss" in Hell? HA!) (Yes, apparently I can say "Monkey Poo Toss" but not, you know...)
We drove through a funny town on vacation, but now I can't recall the name. Darn.
Sounds like you had a good time though!! Very fun.
There is Climax, Michigan a lot of jokes are to be had when driving on ! 94 around that town
I used to drive from Lansing to Ann Arbor quite a bit and would take different routes to keep the trip interesting. I liked being able to tell people, "I drove through Hell to come see you!"
There's Timbuktu in Mali... ;)
I agree with Katherine about Cookietown sounding like an awesome place to live.
My first summer in Michigan I did the Run Thru Hell, which was one of my favorite Michigan things-to-do that I actually did. It was about the most miserable race I have ever run, and that made me very, very happy because it felt like it was kind of supposed to be that way.
My great-grandmother was born in Hell, MI. How'd you like to have that on your birth certificate - "Yeah, I was born in Hell"!?
There's always Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, and I believe there is a Basic, Nevada (one of my brother's mission companions went to Basic High School where the mascot was the Basic Mud Hen, and no, I am not making this up).
My husband got his picture taken in front of the sign for Blue Ball, PA :) Interestingly enough, it's not far from Intercourse, PA.
The next village to my town is called Kuchen (meaning cake - I live in Germany). There are also villages called Gingen (went) and Süßen (sweet). So you remember these villages by "Gingen Süßen Kuchen essen" (went eating sweet cake).
your pictures look like fun. yay for michigan! i live in east lansing and grew up in northern michigan. i'm having a giveaway on my blog this weekend so if you have a chance, you should stop by!
Hell was fun even though I wasn't included in any of the photos shown. (wasted) I would love go to meat camp, it's like fat camp but different
I wanted to go to Hell so bad when I was in Mich but I never made it. (Obviously because I'm too good). Have you ever been to Heaven, Michigan? I think it's in the U.P.
Here are some funny city names that I found
Fart (Virginia, USA))
Dwarf (Kentucky, USA)
Poopoo (Hawaii, USA)
Beer Bottle Crossing (Idaho, USA)
My Large Intestine (Texas, USA)
Disappointment (Kentucky, USA)
Looneyville, Texas, USA)
Hygiene (Colorado, USA)
Bird in Hand (Pennsylvania, USA)
Hot Coffee (Mississippi, USA)
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