In other thoughts, I had some amazing gazpacho a couple weeks ago and I have been craving it ever since. It was like eating a bowl of summer - all the ingredients were so fresh! I've been trying to find a good recipe for it since then but can't decide on one. Do any of you either:
1) have a good recipe for gazpacho, or
2) trust a certain recipe website that you could recommend?
I'm excited to make some. I've only made it once before and it was so long ago I don't remember how to do it. It should be an adventure.
There is one thing I make every summer that symbolizes summer to me: zucchini bread. I love zucchini bread and I associate it with the hottest days of summer. What is your summer specialty?
And lastly, I've started labeling (tagging) my posts as you'll see on the lower left side. It's going to take me a long time to go through and tag all of them but it's been kind of fun to go back. Dang, I blogged a lot about the swine flu last year, didn't I? The funny thing is, just this past weekend I was with a group of friends and someone said, "what ever happened to the swine flu?" I'm not sure if he was waxing nostalgic or if he was just wondering.
Oh great, I just realized that by talking about it again, I'm going to have to label this post as being about the swine flu. Hopefully this will be the last time.
Happy Wednesday, friends.
I was wondering the same thing the other day! (about swine flu)
Um, I think your previous post should be labeled 'canwich' in addition to food.
I have a feeling this subject will come up again.
Canwich. Ha!
I recently had a post that involved swine flu too.
I got nothing on Gespacho..my dads makes it. I'm not a fan. I have a good ceviche though. To me that is summer in a bite.
I think a week of sleep sounds fabulous!! Also, I was cracking up that this post was actually labeled swine flu! Ha! I'm nervous that swine flu is banking on the fact that we all seem to have forgotten about it, then it's going to sneak back in with a vengeance this winter. I think I may stay inside this winter...
We don't believe in swine flu.
Who had swine flu and survived? are we starting a rumor?...
I am not into Gaspacho but I also have my take on some delicious ceviche.
An admirer from the distance. ;)
This is why I can never really trust our news media here. The hype certain items and then - nothing. And the oil spill - I have to listen to Coast to Coast AM to find out what's the lastest happening with that...yeah, yeah the old Art Bell show, but I'm getting nothing no wherelse?
I love zucchini bread too but I don't any any summer recipes for you except one for ginger beer I did a blog on not too long ago - but I'm so over that now...
What is ceviche, anonymous? Will you make some for me? ;)
ceviche is usually seafood marinated/cooked in citrus. But mine is more like a delicious shrimp cocktail pass down by my mom. The only recipe I have been able to duplicate.
and I think you know the answer to the next question. I would pretty much try to cook anything you want :)
and admirer from the distance. ;)
I LOVE Seva! I just had to get that out in the open.
I have never had gazpacho. What is it and is it good?
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