If a sandwich in a can isn't gross enough for you, the pb&j ones have a piece of candy in them! How does that happen? You're just drinking your sandwich when suddenly a Runt falls into your mouth? Or is it gum? I don't want to chew gum while I'm drinking my sandwich.
Chris doesn't think it's an actual drink but if that's the case, how does one "eat" it? I'm confused. Is it eaten with a spoon? Maybe it's best not to know. His email ended with, "All I know is, someone has finally made good on the promise of gourmet on-the-go food that has been waiting to be fulfilled since the appearance of Go-Gurts."
I can only think of one group who this would appeal to: people with their jaws wired shut. Would any other (sane) person regularly consume this? Would you? Not since Willy Wonka's three course meal in a piece of gum has a food seemed less like a food.
Why isn't there a spaghetti and meatballs flavor? Or a curry chicken? Not everyone likes bbq chicken.
Oh man, this was life changing! You should post a warning that they aren't actually in production yet. I got excited and went to the link, thinking to place my 100 can order online, only to find that they aren't available yet. When I found this out, the deep, crushing disappointment that clouded my soul was almost too much for me. I would have jumped out my office window, but it's closed, and I didn't feel like going through the effort to open it.
I have to find out how to purchase this before Christmas. Someone in my family definitely needs this. It will top the Doug Flutie box of Wheaties I gave my brother last year.
Here's my (one and only) problem with this fantastic idea: it's only 3 oz. That is WAY too small for something as earth shattering as this. I mean, come on, we're in America people. Not only are we going to have a candwich, we want it to be super-sized!!
I just threw up in my mouth a little. Definitely has Christmas gift possibilities, though!!
Umm, I might throw up right now.
Kathy's suggestion for spaghetti got me thinking about how small the meatballs would have to be to fit through the can opening. The pasta noodles wouldn't be a problem, but maybe you'd have to just go with meat-flavored sauce.
Then I read Kat & the Nazi's comments. Problem solved.
This is much worse than buttered popcorn flavored jelly bellies. Just the picture of the cans made me gag. No futuristic food for me!
This has to be one of the grossest things ever. Who would ever approve this idea? Actually, several people would have to sign off on this. A company of asshats.
I'm going to puke, I think. So freaking nasty. I mean, its got to be liquid to go through the can opening, you can SEE from the picture that it has the tab opening.
All I can say is, "WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!!?!"
This is so gross, but I would totally have to buy it. I am certain my husband would be willing to give it a try.
To be fair to the canwich, it isn't liquid:
I would try one. Just to say I did.
But probably not one with meat.
I've seen canned bread here before and I actually ate it. It was full of preservatives and you could tell. It was edible though. It was a matter of time before sandwiches came too. That looks pretty gross though. Maybe this was by a food storage fanatic...??!!
This is the grossest thing I have ever thought it. It is totally like all the stuff the people ate in Wall-E and were ginormous....Get your Septuacentenial cupcake in a cup! I might drink a cup cake in a cup...But not any of these.
Maybe they are like the meat baby foods that smell so nasty I could never make my kids eat them....
It is so against the movement right now to eat things as natural as possible. Everything is always on opposite ends of a spectrum.
Remind me to tell you about the PB&J slices my dad helped to create. (No, really, he's a food scientist.)
Um, sick. That's all I have to say.
This is why terrorists hate our freedom...
I just threw up a little in my mouth.
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