For example, I call someone a "brainiac" at least twice a week. And I "rickroll" Ann so often she probably doesn't trust any link I send her.
And I really don't hate technology, I just get a little overwhelmed by it. I also don't like that fact that 12 year old's understand much of it better than I do.
This week my real stress is coming from the fact that I need a new phone. My phone is completely possessed by a poltergeist or something. It's deleting pictures, replacing them with others, and not charging. It's been having charging issues for about nine months but has really gone downhill this week. The fact that it's been bad for nine months shows you how much I hate dealing with this stuff. So if you have a phone you could recommend, I'm in the market. (I'm leaning towards getting an iPhone. More details about the kind of phone I'm looking for in the comments section.)
From now on I'm going to try not to sound so old in this blog. So with that in mind... have you guys seen the new Jonas Brothers Camp Rock movie? (Am I trying too hard now? And did I go too far in the other direction?)
Ha! I love this post! I feel like it really brings out your silly side, which you know I love! I never think of you as old at all, but maybe that's because you have no inhibitions around me. Ha! And I think you called ME a brainiac last week, actually. Ah, good times.
Brian Griffin rickrolling is WAY more mature than regular rickrolling.
Good point, Bernadette. I never get tired of Brian hitting that high note. Kills me every time.
I love my Droid Incredible. Not sure exactly what you are looking for. What about the iPhone makes you consider it? Knowing that would make it easier to recommend a phone.
I've heard the iPhone has a good camera, which is something that's important to me because of Picture a Day. Also, people who have iPhones seem to just love them. What do you like about your phone?
The Droid Incredible has a great camera also. It is slightly larger in the megapixels department: iPhone 4: 5MP - Incredible: 8MP. Most of the pics I've uploaded to Facebook lately have been with my Incredible, if you want to see the quality of the photos.
I also love that it very seamlessly integrates with all things Google (Gmail, calendar, contacts, search, voice, maps, etc.) Google and Apple have a history of not playing nice on occasion.
I also like that it is on Verizon and not AT&T, but that's because of my personal vendetta against AT&T and not really for any performance issues. I've heard that iPhone calls have a tendency to drop because of the network (and the whole Antenna-gate thing).
I had to get used to the fact that you have to charge it every day. But smartphones will do that.
One weakness is the screen outdoors. The screen resolution is beautiful, but it is kind of hard to see outdoors sometimes. You can turn the backlight all the way up and then you can see better, but its not perfect.
I don't like that the Android App Market is less developed right now, but I get the feel that it is developing quickly.
Here's a link to a spec comparison between the iphone 4, the Incredible, and a few other phones.
If you want to play with my phone / take a tour sometime, let me know. I'm incredibly happy with it.
You have never seemed "old" to me...in fact, you are my go-to friend for all things young and vibrant!! :) Can't wait to get a dose of youth from ya soon! (And I'd never recommend my phone...it's practically an antique in cell-phone-years!)
Lorin has an i-phone, and it does drop a ton of calls. But if I remember correctly you already have AT&T, so it probably won't be any different than what you are used to.
Another con, I hear AT&T is getting rid of its unlimited data package, which sounds like it can get pretty costly if you download a lot of apps.
I'll be keeping AT&T for sure. I almost never have dropped calls so that hasn't been an issue. But thanks for the heads up about the unlimited data package - I'll definitely look into that. I don't plan on downloading a bunch of apps (that stupid "there's an app for that" phrase irks me like none other), but you never know - I might get caught up in the mania.
I'd like to mention the incident this morning, when you threw your entire glass of ice water at my face. Old people don't do things like that.
And I say go for the iPhone. Everyone I know who has one, absolutely loves them. But the moment I see you pretending to check a call or something, just to look trendy to the delivery drivers around here, I will confiscate it.
If it's the blond driver who leaves his pants on the floor, I might bust it out. I can't get that guy to pay attention to me. As for the water in your face, I was just trying to recapture my youth. ;)
Ok, now everyone thinks there's a delivery driver that comes here with no pants on.
oops! I meant to say, "if it's the blond delivery driver who's phone calls with his angry girlfriend about the mess he left we overhear..." but it was just easier the other way. haha
I have a new, ghetto phone instead of my pretty smart phone. I can't go on the internet. It has just a number pad. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LIVE ANYMORE. I'm just as grumpy as you are.
My vote is for iPhone. I really enjoy mine. If you have a great plan with ATT it may carry over.? There are some really cool apps. The iPhone 4 will allow you to edit HighDef movies on it with iMovie. That is pretty dang cool. Maybe a picture a day could be a video now and then.
(I showed some friends your Peeps diorama competition the other day.. they loved it.)
I really did think there was a pants-less driver. You guys have the most exciting days arounf there, don't you? :)
I just got a cell phone last week. I think I might have been one of 300 in the country without one. We got the Samsung Moment. I like it. I don't have anything to complare to so I won't sugest it. lol.
I've always thought you were funny, being your much younger sister I've had a lot of time to enjoy your humor. (is it to early to start aunt mary's "much younger" thing?) lol.
I hate my cell phone, too.
Can't help ya.
You need an iPhone. Jacob and I both have them and we absolutely love them. Not sure what the other guys have these days. They have great battery life and even have apps to manage blogs.
The difference between a 8MP camera and a 4.5MP will not matter for posting to your blogs or on the net.
Good luck: we might even consider giving you our numbers if you get one.
You haven't even gotten the new phone and you've potentially gotten some fella's numbers!!! whoohoo.
If I weren't already married I'd get myself a new phone....lol
the iPhone it is. ;) haha (if it gets me some phone numbers)
iPhone, absolutely.
It's not per my recommendation, I've barely joined this century. But my brother the web designer for BYU library is in love w/ his.
Sorry if I made you feel old with part 2 on my blog. I don't think of YOU that way!
guy with no pants delivering packages? I guess Michigan operates a little different.
iPhone is great. you can run Pandora all day :)
numbers I not going into that...
An admirer from the distance. ;)
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