This mosaic is made up of pictures of Michigan I've taken in the last few years. Click on it to see the pictures a bit bigger.

I'm feeling love for Michigan these days because it's hot out and it's road trip season. My heart freezes and thaws with the seasons, so ask me in January how I feel about Michigan and you will get a completely different response.
What are some of your favorite things about where you live?
This is beautiful!
This made me feel very nostalgic. I wish I could get out there soon!
Wow, Elizabeth. You should be a professional photographer! I absolutely love these pictures. They could make a Michigan calendar or coffee table picture book.
You know we are BIG Michigan fans! Love the pictures Elizabeth!
Gorgeous! Now if you could just get Tim Allen to narrate it, that would be great. Thanks! I think I may just have to print this up and hang it in my apartment!! I think I love all of the same things that you do about Michigan-the seasons, the gorgeous nature, the cider mills, summer festivals, hiking, Great Lakes, sandy beaches of Lake Michigan, Ludington, local lakes, farmers markets, road trip potential, destination places, etc. I could go on and on! Sorry other states. Michigan is the best!!!!
I went to college at Hope in Holland. I still have friends from school who live in Michigan. Unfortunately, living all the way in GA, it is such a trek that I don't get there very often. The last time I was in MI was 2001 or 2002 when a friend got married. I haven't been to Homecoming in forever. This year would be a good year to go as it is my 20th year Reunion. Egads. I just realized that. Now, I feel so old. I can't believe that. Why is my life always a mess when my "big" reunions roll around???? I think I am going to go have a Boo Hoo moment. And, yes, Michigan is lovely. I need a pill.
I Want to visit Elizabeth, I mean Michigan, I mean
An admirer from the distance. ;)
ditto to both my sista's. PREACH IT!
Sweatshirts at football games,mowing in the snow, the people (people here are just nicer, sorry), parades, etc.....
Alright we're sold, but you have to take us to a Tigers game.
LOVE the pictures!! We lvoe MI too, especially in the summer:)
Ryan, I would love to take you guys to a Tigers game. :)
And anonymous, you are so sweet. :)
So how come when someone says Michigan I think of ugly Detroit and old cars (I've never been)? What absolutely beautiful pictures these are, but I can't say that I'm all that shocked since I'm a follower of your picture a day and have seen some lovely pictures there. I gotta change my mind set and straighten up and fly (see) right. It's like when I tell people I live in Brooklyn, New York - they immediately think the worst. They should see how beautiful it is here. I love Brooklyn.
I agree, professional quality. You are such an amazing, and talented gal.
Sigh..thanks for making me homesick..AGAIN!! lol Jk, but now I really feel like a misfit in Provo.
What other state in America has Luddington breezes for Summer, the best corn mazes for Fall, unbearable but enchanting Winters, and nature-at-its-nest Springs? Michigan is simply beautiful!
So, you asked about favorite things of the place we live. I really do love living in an area where stuff is going on all the time. If you asked me what's going on today, for example, I could list a handful of activities that take place every Thursday (like Salsa dancing!!) I also enjoy living near people who have similar standards and morals. Living upstairs from, down the hall from, and across the street from people I see on a weekly basis and enjoy spending time with - true neighbors. I love my view of the mountains, I love living close to the best creamery in town, and I enjoy being at a school where the students are pumped and ready to learn!
I'm going to use this for an assignment in my Chinese conversational class. Hope that's okay. We have to talk about where we are from. This will just be easier.
I do love Michigan. I really miss it too. There were so many things I never got to see and do.
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