Saying the word "bitter" triggered the irritable part of my brain so I need to voice (pen?) a quick complaint, if you don't mind. I have been really stressed out about doppelganger week on Facebook. I have no doppelganger. And I don't dare ask people, "what famous person do you think I look like?" because what if they say Danny DeVito or something like that? Some things are better to not know (see previous post for more on that). The one famous person I have ever been told I look like is Angelica from the Rugrats. I don't see the resemblance, but I suppose it could be worse.
Will you indulge me in some very girlish stuff for a second here? It won't take long. Guys, you can tune out if you want, although I'd like to hear your opinions too. I'll make this quick. I want to change my hair color but I'm not sure what to do. I've been highlight/low lighting it forever and want a change. I asked my hairstylist what color my natural color is (because I have no idea) and she said it's medium blond with a tiny bit of red. But in the winter it looks darker than that. Boring.
So I went to one of those "see what you'd like like with a different hair color" websites and this is what I found. I was supposed to take a picture of myself head-on with my hair pulled back but really didn't feel like doing that. So all of these pictures show this dang rogue curl coming down my shoulder. Try to ignore that. Here are the results:

Any opinions? Oh, and if you were wondering, that's my nephew on my lap. Poor little guy probably wishes he had nothing to do with this post. I can relate.
Happy Wednesday.
P.S. Happy birthday, Mom!
Happy Wednesday.
P.S. Happy birthday, Mom!
Ha! "I can relate." You crack me up!! I love the first one. The darker color with red highlights looks great! I also do secretly love Valentine's Day, even though I usually deny it. I mean, it's a day about love, and who doesn't love love? Plus it's also a day celebrating my favorite color as well (red) and my secret love of red and pink together can be embraced. Did that sentence make sense? Possibly not... At least it's Wednesday! P.S. I wasn't that off with my guess of 333 for me... Ha! Oh, well. :)
The 3rd one is my favorite. You can go with the feminists and start calling it V DAY and it's not Valentine. Just a suggestion. I won't be offended when this post is deleted.
I like any of the first three. I don't think you could go wrong with those colors against your skin tone.
The fourth one would be perfect if you're trying out to be a member of the X-Men. It's very super hero.
"You've probably already noticed I have incredibly blue eyes."
The first or second one.
I love them all. It's definitely a difficult choice. I say go with the Jessica Simpson blond. She always seems to have a lot of fun.
Really tough choice! They all look great with your skin tone. The second one down looks the most natural in the picture, but I like the boldness of 1 and 3 too! Have fun!
Oh my gosh, I love these pics!! I often think that I really like the color my hair is when it is wet, so that might help you decide how dark you are willing to go. Personally, I'm torn between #1 and #2...on #1, your original ringlets blend right in, so that is obviously a color you could pull off. But, I really like your coloring with #2. It looks so natural! And that cut is really great, too! And, #2 totally showcases your awesome eye color!
I was thinking you should put up a poll. Then, in my head, I was trying to remember to tell you this, so I was reciting "poll on the side." Which, eventually started to turn into the tune to "Pants on the Ground" and well, I might have let out a slight guffaw during my class. :)
Ethan was actually geeked to be in the picture until your hair covered up his face and yelled,"were'd i go?", but then thought his mustache was funny in the last pic.
I love the 2nd and third ones.
voting for number one or three.
and ... Will you be my Valentine?
Now I have to figure out where to send the flowers.
I need an address. Help.
No addresses shall be posted on this blog. lol What if a crazy person is reading? What if you're a crazy person?
I prefer #1 and #2. Is there a color in between them? ...of course, you silly man, there's hundreds... Something closer to #2, so it isn't too dark, but still with the strong red of #1.
If your new hair color was made out of wood, I'd pick something like a red oak. If that's not enough natural red, then a cherry stain to bring out the grain. That translates to subtle highlights.
Get Ethan the red moustache with some adhesive so he doesn't have to scrunch up his nose and upper lip to hold it in place. The bigger the better, so it looks like he's the 5th member of a barbershop quintet.
I like your hair color as it is but if you have to change, I vote for 1.
I will send you flowers too. But I also need an address. ;) As for not being crazy, you just take your chances! Lol
Oh love number 1! At first I just saw the picture and thought you had changed your hair and I loved it. I love your hair the way it is but sometimes you just need to try out the saucy librarian look. Oh please give Marianne a try.
I like number one and two the best.
haha your doppelganger comment made me remember that the only "celebrity" I have ever been compared to is Casper the friendly ghost. And it happened on two separate occasions with different people!
Are you obligated to go with the color with the highest vote count? :) Looks like you will soon be a brunette! Yay!
Hey! New to the blog and can't wait to read more! (I've added you to my RSS feed.) Way to go stickin' with the single people! We need you in our boycot! (Though secretly I love Valentines Day, too. I would definitely love it more if I had a guy willing to cuddle battle a bit.) Don't feel too bad that you don't have a doppleganger. Take it as a compliment that you are uniquely you!
I simply love your hair the way it is. Why mess with perfection? I think the "Gotta change my hair" feeling happens every winter when it is gloomy outside so we feel the need for a change. If I go to _____ for coveting what is my neighbors....it would be because of your hair!
Ok, so the last one makes you totally look like Julianne Moore. You found your doppleganger.
point well taken although not crazy, I like eccentric. ;)
Mary's comment about about the 'Gotta change my hair' feeling reminded me of a guy I knew. I was complaining about my hair saying that I needed a change, and he said, "I just don't get you girls. Always getting bored with your hair and chopping it off. It's always a mistake!"
He wasn't talking about color though, so go for it!
Liking one. I felt the same yesterday about the doppelganger thing, what a riot. The closest I could come was a cross between Cindy Crawford and Rosey O'donnel, is that even possible?! Although, I've always known you as blonde, and like my own mother, I'm not sure I could recognize you as a bruenette w/ amber highlights. Btw, faintly stawberry blonde sounds gorgeous to me, strip it, and save the $...te-he.
Anonymous, you intrigue me.
Thanks for your comments everyone - I appreciate your help! My hair appointment is in about two weeks so I'll let you know what I end up doing. :) (I'm still not sure.) Thanks for indulging me.
I will take that as a compliment
My favorite is number one, hands down!!!! I think it suits you the best for sure.
I picked one and 3 - but you're pretty with them all. I did this same kind of thing and everyone voted I stay dark vs. blond. Then this girl told me how much better I looked in some pictures when I was blond. I said, oh, my friends all just voted and said I should stay dark... She replied that they were probably just jealous and wanted me to look bad! So mean!
I think you can always count on your friends/blog readers to be honest and nice, but maybe I'm naive?
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