I told this to my coworker Ann because we had been discussing the whole Seaworld killing and she said she'd prefer an office cat. I told her that we really couldn't have both so we compromised on a killer cat.
Later I found this image and thought it was hilarious. I think I'm exhausted or something because really, under normal circumstances, I don't think I would find this funny at all. I think I might even be annoyed by it.

I think one thing is obvious: I need sleep. Not to be cliche, but thank goodness it's Friday.
I think it's hilarious. And I don't even like cats.
My Lord lady. You truly are one of the funniest women I have ever heard. I love the fact that you need sleep too. I feel less unusual. I was just writing about almost the same idea.
Well, maybe not the same idea. But basically, I was talking about the crime rate of Western Society and Eastern. Kind of the same right? I can be funny too.Maybe
what if the killer cat eats Bob? :(
If we had an office cat, I imagine Ann's work ethic would change dramatically. We'd come in to find her rolling around on the floor with the killer kitty, giggling, and happy as can be.
For sure. If I could play with the killer cat all day I would quit fighting with you about mentions and keys. I would leave those decisions up to the final checker!
no, that's funny any day of the week!
Histerical. I've never thought that swimming whales were that peaceful, more scary. You need a fish tank with some betas or something, and maybe for some excitement, a frog - is there such a thing a a killer frog?!?
Killer Cat. That's awesome!
Yeah, I agree with Mom about the killer frog. Though the thought of a killer frog hopping towards you in a contained office space is a little terrifying. Maybe Ish-Meow could protect you! :) P.S. I may have already told you this in person, but you're a little crazy. And I love it!
I don't like the way Ish-meow is looking at me! He looks angry!! It's also a little creepy that he doesn't seem to have legs. Looks like that whale got to him.
I hope you weren't thinking about extensions so that you could be like that trainer. They said it was her long hair in a braid that the whale grabbed first. Don' t put those extensions in a braid please!!
Just get some sleep before Wednesday. We need some coherent, random thoughts next week. ;)
I love the cartoon about cats leaving dead things on the porch. It interprets the meaning to be that it is a warning from kitty of what might happen to cat owner if you don't treat little kitty well. Rather a scary thought for people who allow cats to sleep with them.
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