The problem with choosing is that I go back and forth between something noble, like scriptures, and something practical, like chapstick (which I'm addicted to) or Vaseline (which I use as a chapstick/lotion/cure for cuts and burns).

I looked up the rules. The show provides: contact solution, lady products (was that vague enough for the guys?), insect repellent, sunscreen and necessary medications. They do not provide toothpaste, tooth brushes, razors, or any other grooming supplies. Nasty.
So, what'll it be? If you could bring one noble item (picture of a loved one, religious item, etc) and one luxury item, what would the luxury item be? What's the thing you can't live without?
Sunglasses. Or toothpaste.
I can't choose without over analyzing this situation. Will there be toilet paper available? If not, that's my choice. Definitely.
If tp is provided, I would choose my peppermint castile soap. I LOVE that stuff! And according to the bottle, it can be used as a natural shampoo, body wash, or for an invigorating facial.
p.s.- Can i borrow your chapstick when we get there?
My Lithium and B Vitamins
Because I can't go more than 2 days without shaving, I think I would have to bring my razor. But then the problem of no shaving cream arises. That could be painful. I wonder if mud would work as a substitute?
The razor could also be used as a weapon incase there are any rabid hyenas or if Vernice isn't on my team...
I wouldn't even get on the show, I'm not a back-stabber kind of person, and just not dramatic enough.
I'd take a luxury car. People would vote themselves off to enjoy my leather seats and air-conditioning.
Don't you think toothpaste and a toothbrush should count as one item? I don't think I could survive without those - yuck! But then again, I'm also a fellow chapstick/lipbalm addict, so that's a hard one!
I would take you because I can't live without you
I have to agree with a toothbrush and toothpaste being one item. Yuck!
I would take something that everyone would be envious of, so I could work a trade and gain immunity.
Toothbrush - use it as a hairbrush too? Gross! OR - Vaseline is very versatile (use it as an eye cream too). OR - I would want a journal/notebook to write about the crazy experiences!
i say "Amen" to chapstick. You know how painful it is when your lips are dry and chapped. It's all you can think about......
I can't believe no one has said deoderant..i mean..ewww..stinkyness
I might go with this:
the chewable toothbrush and toothpaste in one!
I think Joel has it right. Maybe I'd want an Airstream trailer or a full-on RV bus. or maybe a yacht.
Its a show that seems to promote bad behavior.
(I may go to the Philippines this Summer for a week or more.. hmm.. what would I bring? a small cotton towel, to wipe off all the sweat.. I know that from previous experience there.)
[i'm glad you don't hate comments - abe]
I'll take something to kick Adam4Presiden2012 off the island.
An admirer from the distance. ;)
I would take soap. I would go a little crazy without it.
Okay that is easy. I would want a copy of a picture book of "TOP GUN", yes that is right the Tom Cruz movie as my luxury item. As for my necessity item I would want a crate of caviar. How can anybody possibly live without that. I mean you can trade it for anything you want. Unless you have nobody to trade it with and then you can use it to fish, brush your teeth (not really sure how, but I am sure there is a way), or use as a bed.
I think I'd have to take a toothbrush and toothpaste. I always wondered about their oral hygiene while there!
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Uhm I would never go on that show, haha. A razor I guess.
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Stopping by from Friday Follow and following you now. :)
I would choose a toothbrush/toothpaste too I think. Other than that, I would say vaseline is a good one!
Since I am a Survivor fan, I loved this post...I never thought to look up what they are allowed to bring...I especially wondered about the sunscreen and lady products.
I would bring sunglasses...or mascara
Happy Friday Follow.
I would have to bring deodorant as my luxury item!!!
Having lived in a tropical place, I can tell you that when you're sweating all day, deodorant does very little. As long as the sweat doesn't dry, you shouldn't smell. Might as well use your freebie for something that will actually do some good, like a 5-pound block of chocolate. Actually, I'd probably bring a book on plants that can be used for medicinal/toothbrushing/chap stick/shaving purposes.
Anonymous stop hating behind your no name staus, I'm willing to fight for her love so if you want some come get some. (did that sound tough? I was trying for tough)
fight fight fight fight!
It's been a week now, I guess somebody is scared
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-Amanda T
A Television.
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