Have you guys been watching the Olympics at all? One of my favorite things about watching the Olympics is finding out that some of the Olympians are older than me. I find myself thinking, "Wow, she's 35? I still have time to learn how to ski and become an Olympian!" I've been practicing the pose I'll use on my Wheaties box cover. Here's a little sample of what's to come.

In other Wednesday Thoughts, yesterday on my way to work I heard a commercial on the radio for a special deal a plastic surgeon is offering. It's a two for one deal where you can choose from any of the following: nose job, eyes, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, or liposuction. It was the strangest two for one deal I've ever heard. But it made me wonder, do the eyes and breasts count as one or two?
So, a guy friend recently told me that he reads my blog but never comments. When I asked him why, he said something about how it's written from such a "feminine perspective" that he just has nothing to say. So I have decided to take a break from writing about menstrual cycles, panty hose, and lipstick and dedicate a post just to the guys who read my blog. Expect it later this week. I have a few ideas, but if any of you have any ideas what guys want to read about, let me know.
I wouldn't be surprised if the guys stopped reading as soon as they saw the words "menstrual cycles."
So ladies, now that it's just you and me, let's talk about girl stuff. So who do you like? Tell me all about him.
So ladies, now that it's just you and me, let's talk about girl stuff. So who do you like? Tell me all about him.
Happy Wednesday!
My first crush was Kurt Ericson's dad! This was back in '79 I think.
Menstrual cycles? I'm out.
Not that I don't LOVE girl talk, but my dad uses the term "menstrual cycles". The phrase makes me shutter.
Haha, that's so funny. You know, I actually never say "menstrual cycles" - it's so medical sounding. But you know me, I try to be as proper as possible in my blog.
And Angela, weren't you like 2 or 3 years old in '79!?
I don't understand what's so bad about the term "menstrual cycle". I can think of worse bodily functions that could be discussed in a blog.
"Bodily functions" is forbidden too, Wolfgang. Have some manners.
What's a menstrual cycle? Is it one of those new olympic sports, like the Tour de France, except on snow? Does it have pedals and handlebars, or are you just along for the ride like a luge sled?
My inner 9 year old (much more innocent than my inner 13 year old) is curious, and will probably ask this question when you have dinner guests over.
I missed Fat Tuesday!? Living out here, I don't have fellow Poles to remind me of the day dedicated to eating donuts! Darn!
I think that about Olymipans who are older than me all the time. I'm also starting to do it with professional athletes as well (because yes, there is still time for me to realize my dream of playing in the NFL!). Sadly, those instances are getting fewer and farther between!
When I watch the Olympics, I mostly get ridiculous movie scenes stuck in my head. Last night, while watching figure skating, I just kept thinking about the oldie but goodie "The Cutting Edge." :) Also, I find that rather than compete as an athlete, I know my true calling is to be a JUDGE! Except, in a new category, like about the skating outfit or the snowboard helmet. Oops, that's fashion talk, this blog just went female on us again! :)
And, things guys like to talk about...pumping iron, video games, and scented candles. Wait, one of those doesn't sound right... :)
Mark - from what I have heard (having 2 sisters) is like the luge sled, meaning that is more of a just along for the ride type sport. I would think that is more like the luge gone extreme which has the ability of creating an avalanche that can pretty much wipe out anything in its path.
Ah, so Mr. Anonymous has 2 sisters...yet another hint towards your identity! :) (PS: Right on about the crazy force of nature of the female "luge"!). :)
lol, what if it's a different anonymous?
Yeah, anonymous didn't put the 'Admirer from afar' part on this post.
I love how my Husband (protecting his identity by not using his real name) tenses every time I talk about my "feminine issues". Very rigid and accompanied by a determined blank stare that I think is his attempt at looking calm and open to this conversation, but not open enough to invite it to happen very often.
Yes that is me I do have two great sisters.
As for the last question I currently have a crush on this girl that is as far as I know blonde but she is thinking of changing that soon – I think. Really nice smile, the type of smile that is perfect for the Wheaties box or just plain perfect. She is funny and sarcastic and has a really cool Grandma.
Also since its confession time, my first crush was a girl named Lisa Cuzik, I remember dancing with her to the song Sacrifice by Elton John. Great song!
An admirer from the distance ;)
This is totally different from the other posts, but I have heard that radio commercial too for the plastic surgery, and totally wondering if boobs counted as one or two? Like pay for the right and get the left one free?
Yeah, I totally need to lay off the paczki too. I overbought and have some left just begging me to eat them.
If you would have stopped at "jelly filled donut", you would have had the attention of every guy on here! mmm. Jelly donut! Wait, I think you had our attention through the boob and plastic surgery discussion too.
Send me some of those extra paczkis. I will help you finish them off. :)
umm, did Anonymous give away that he has stalked Elizabeth's grandma too?! Which of you girls has already searched Facebook for the girl he mentioned? lol.
This post and the silly comments have just made me extremely happy! Thanks, E and her blog followers!
I think boys like cars and fixing cars and car parts and food and sports and womenfolk. Oh, and shows like "Deadliest Catch" and that one with Howie Mandel and the models and the cases. So there ya go! Lots of fodder for your Man Post. Ooh! You could include the Mantage!!
Cute photo on the Wheaties box E!
You guys all make me laugh so much. Thanks. :)
Dear Abby (Elizabeth),
My husband likes to buy fast toys (ATV, motorcycle, snowmachine) on his day off when I'm still at work. Please discuss why boys like fast toys and how I can keep him from buying a boat - or at least help him put it off for a while.
When he bought a ATV, I retaliated and bought a camper trailer when he wasn't looking. That stopped him from making any larger purchases and got us to come to a dollar limit agreement. However, last week he bought a snowmachine, and I know he has his eye on a boat and a truck.
Boys like toys. Why?!
I would also like to know why Mr. Anonymous liked Lisa Cuzik. I took the bait, and could only find some chick in Scotland area. Does Mr. A have a darling accent?
Inquiring minds want Mr. A to let us know if any of your readers (or you) have known/met him before.
You crack me up Elizabeth! In my experience guys only like to talk about sports. That's it. In fact, I think you could just cut and paste from espn.com and they'd all be happy.
I have to admit Elisabeth that I haven't had the pleasure to meet any of the blog readers but I have met the lovely Elizabeth.
An admirer from the distance ;)
I Love paczki day! And I really love when you blog about menstrual cycles.
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