A couple weeks ago I saw seasons one and two of Full House on sale for $14.99 (for both) and decided it was too good a deal to pass up. Today I was glad I did; Full House is the perfect sick day TV show. Nothing like gentle comedy to get you through a day where you're only half alert.
I am starting to really look forward to the holidays coming up! I love Thanksgiving and Christmas. The only bad thing about the holidays is that they make a single person feel even more single than usual. Have you noticed that? I am going to try not to focus on that aspect of them though, and just enjoy myself.
Every year on Thanksgiving my family holds a gingerbread house making competition, as I've mentioned previously. I'm trying to come up with a cool plan for mine this year but I can't over do it, as too much pre-planning is frowned upon by the judges (AKA my family). Do you make a gingerbread house this time of year?
Confession: I'm seeing New Moon with a group of girls (women) Friday night and I bought the tickets online weeks ago. As I was ordering them, I had a bit of an identity crisis along the lines of "who am I? Am I the kind of person who orders Twilight tickets three weeks before the movie? How old am I?" I concluded that it was Sarah's fault (just kidding, Sarah!). But I really am looking forward to the phenomena of seeing a Twilight movie on opening weekend - more for the audience reaction than for the movie itself. It's gonna be a trip. I saw the first Twilight movie in a crowded theater and was beyond entertained by the giggles, the gasps, and the shouts of "I LOVE YOU!" (I couldn't hold it in) at the movie screen. I expect no less this time.
Happy Wednesday guys - I hope your day was better than mine!
Dang, you totally called me out! :) It's ok, I take the blame. I agree that seeing a movie with a semi-rambunctious audience is part of the appeal, getting all the first-hand reactions, giggles, oohs and ahhs. And hey, I will ALWAYS make you go to ridiculous teeny-bopper movies with me...that's a guarantee. :)
hope you feel better! but sickness and all, i'm a little jealous that you were at home all day watching Full House! Have Mercy! :)
PS, I, too, already have my New Moon tickets for Friday evening at 5pm sharp. If I didn't have to be a slave to the man, I'd probabaly attempt the midnight showing, but alas... responsibility and REM cycles call... :)
Get Well Soon. I think you'll like this link. It's safe and you'll LOVE it!
I am so mad at ABC Family for changing their program schedule. They used to have Gilmore Girls at 11:00 and then back to back Full House at 12:00 and 12:30. It's probably a blessing in disguise though and I'll end up actually getting work done instead of always getting sucked into the Tanner's world for an hour. Plus, I can always watch Full House at 3:00 and 3:30 if I need a fix.
Yeah, I was realizing today that I will, technically, be driving 2 1/2 hours to see New Moon with y'all...sad. Yet so much obsessive fun! (I reread the book yesterday on my sick day and got through about 300 pages...it's a sickness in itself.)
P.S. I loooove the new Mr. Burns quote!! He's the best.
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