Anyway, in other Wednesday Thoughts, I brought some home made cookies to work today and apparently they are magic. One man who ate one serenaded me. The song was about not giving into temptation but it was still nice to be sung to.
I haven't talked about Justin and Kathy in awhile and although I think they're glad to be out of the spotlight, I thought I'd give a couple quick updates. Justin could not be happier about the return of the Volcano Taco at Taco Bell. How a guy as slim as Justin manages to eat his weight in Volcano Tacos every day, I'll never know.
Kathy was inspired by the last couple episodes of 30 Rock and keeps telling me, "that's a deal breaker" whenever I complain about a guy. It's cracking me up. And keeping me single. Hmm....
That's all for today. Happy Wednesday.
Oh, and in case you didn't see it, here's a clip from 30 Rock: (only the first minute)
I don't eat my weight in volcano tacos every day! Maybe once a week, and maybe a little more than my weight...
I'm sorry that I voted so quickly in your poll. I watched it again and changed my vote to "sometimes". The moment he mentioned the dunes of Kalkaska sand I knew I was doomed. I almost lost it completely when they showed the polar bear exhibit at the zoo. I had my picture taken under there just last year. I don't know why they cut me out of that part of the video.
It's a little scary to see the wild look in Justin's eye when he has a volcano taco in view. I once reached for something that was near him while he was eating a vt, and nearly lost my arm.
Sorry about the questionable dating advice. But it keeps things more interesting for me. Otherwise, I'd be sitting on my couch filling my slanket with....wait. I won't finish that. I love that scene you added to this post. 30 Rock rules!
No emotional reaction to those commercials one way or the other from me. However, this is most likely because I was recently reduced to uncontrollable sobbing by that Humane Society ad with Sarah McLachlan and the saddest-looking animals in the entire world. It's going to be tough for another commercial to come close to that...
(Sobbing because of the animals, I mean. Not because of being forced to deal with Sarah McLachlan. That just makes my eye twitch.)
I love the pure Michigan commercials but have only heard them on the radio. Is that Tim "the toolman" Taylor's voice? I have Michigan running through my veins (don't ask me how that works!) Just accept it.
I just watched about 6 or 7 of those videos! Megan told me once that I should work as a promoter for Michigan because I love it so much! (Yes, Michigan and I DO have wedding plans...) YAY LUDINGTON!!!
The other day, Tim Allen came on with that soothing voice of his that could practically make me do ANYTHING, and he was going on about the boutiques and sidewalk cafes and lovely parks of Grand Rapids and I found myself longing to be in GR in such a bad way (and for probably the first time ever). :)
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