
Monday, October 21, 2013

My favorite fall recipe

As you know, I'm not much of a recipe blogger, but I just had to share with you my recipe for a perfect fall weekend:

  • 1 homemade lasagna
  • 1 banana cream pie
  • 1 semi-competitive Jeopardy game
  • 3 bunches of good friends
  • 1 huge bonfire
  • 6-8 boxes hot chocolate + multiple crockpots of hot water and marshmallows
  • 1 table of Halloween decorations and treats
  • 1 viewing of Watcher in the Woods
  • 3 ghost stories
  • 1 donut eating contest
  • 2 walks, observing fall colors
  • 2 choir practices 
  • 1 church meeting block to rejuvenate and uplift
  • 1 visit with grandma
  • 1 warm apple crisp made with fresh Michigan apples, topped with one scoop vanilla ice cream
  • 10 homemade caramel apples with toppings

Mix together and enjoy.

What's your recipe for a perfect fall weekend?


violet50 said...

That looks like a wonderful mix! I can taste the hot chocolate and caramel apples right now. Not to mention the donuts. I just realized it's all about food for me. Oops. Jeopardy was fun, too!

Katherine said...

Same stuff, plus a toasty fire in a fireplace and a good book! And fuzzy socks.

Anonymous said...

I've been making my own tomato soup with heirloom tomatoes. Just boil about 6 of them, peel the skin, and puree. Microwave the result, add a tad of pepper and maybe some random spice, and presto! best eaten with Cheez-Its. This is Mike A. your FB friend