Today at work, somehow the topic of Magnum came up. I'm pretty sure I did not bring it up, although I'm sure some will claim I did. Anyway, Kathy hadn't known about my Magnum crush and was pretty shocked by it. Our conversation went something like this:
Kathy: Magnum, really!?
Me: Yes.
Kathy: What about the chest hair!?
Me: Yes.
Kathy: Ewwwwww!!!!!
Justin: I have no idea what Monica saw in him.
Me: Hey!!
Me: Hey!!
This all led to a conversation about body hair. We were very divided on men's body hair, with me being against soul patches and goatees, and them being against beards and chest hair (I am a for both of those). We all agreed on mustaches though (no, at least, not if you're under 45 - I think it's a generational thing). We also agreed completely on women's body hair (how do some women not shave their legs?!).
So I decided to poll some of my friends tonight. I didn't give them any explanation before starting the poll, I just asked them if I could ask them a few questions for my blog. About two questions into the poll, Christi said, "Are you blogging about Magnum again!?" Sarah had a funny reaction too. She answered all the questions (solidly against all body hair on men), but when I said, "this post is going to be about Magnum, by the way," she said, "Oh, well Magnum is a totally different story! He's the exception." Katherine felt the same way. So without further ado, here are the results:

The type is very small, so to clarify, the first question was chest hair, yes or no, the second was goatee, then soul patch, followed by mustache and finally beard. What do you think?
I recently told someone that I should make myself wait 24 hours before posting the things I write on my blog. When I told this to Katherine later, she told me that would take all the fun out of it. This is the kind of post where I hope she was right.
This post is hate speech against me and my hairy brethren.
Not me, Brian! I am pro-hair. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Ladies?
My husband had a soul patch when we met and I made him shave it off. He has a goatee now and I like it. Definitely no mustache and chest hair on the right man(i.e magnum) is fine. :)
I imagine that someday soon you'll be bringing in your new husband for all of us to meet. And at the same time, you'll be the first person in history to have proved she's found the sasquatch. :)-
i love your graph!
I have to admit I've never seen Magnum, so maybe that's why I don't get it. On the other hand, I did see Friends, and I didn't get it then, so I'm guessing it won't change my mind. Sorry. I hope we can still be friends.
I think mustaches are awful, unless your a cop. Then I think they are hilarious. Beards are a little strange unless you're pretty old, I think. Soul patches say to me that the guy is too aware of his appearance. That has been my experience anyway. Goatees are hit or miss...it just depends on the person. I've never watched Magnum.
I'm a little embarrassed in advance at how long and detailed my comment is going to be... Magnum is definitely the exception to all the rules. He can pull off a mustache AND chest hair and make it sexy! I will admit that I'm not a big chest hair fan, though it depends on the guy and the amount (Doc. Larder...ewwww!). Goatees look good on some guys, downright sexy on others, and reeeeally bad and poseurish on yet others. The soul patch is a big no-no 99.3% of the time. (There's that rare 0.7% who can pull it off.) Beards can look good and rugged on some guys, but otherwise, if left to grow wild, are not-so-good, and mustaches should be left to the over 50 crowd unless, of course, you're Magnum. Sigh...Magnum! (I have the theme song in my head right now!)
Where did you find that picture??? And what is that antique he's holding up to his ear?!?
I think i'm the only one that's going to comment on the women's hairy leg comment. I agree when it comes to women in the summer with the shorts and hairy legs, but in the winter, who are we kidding. I know no one will admit it, but me. You all know there are sometimes when you think "no one will see them, i'm wearing pants all the time now." I'll admit one more thing and then i'm done. I wasn't able to take my shower till 1:30 this morning due to a kid peeing the bed and another hearing "a noise" outside the bedroom window and i didn't shave my legs. There, I said it. Think what you will of me, but also think about how you'll be able to sleep at night with a guily conscience from judging me.
I have an opinion on this topic.
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