Of all the creepy, spooky, lurking things out there, vampires are consistently on top when it comes to hottness. But who's the hottest of them all? There are so many options - there are at least two or three vampire shows on this season, not to mention the movies and books about vampires. When I was a teenager, my favorite movie was
The Lost Boys, a vampire movie featuring some of the hotties of that time period. And I'm pretty sure
Brad Pitt was a vampire in the 90's. But for my money, these are the top three contenders for
hottest vamp:
ke. Spike, Spike, Spike... In my opinion, he's the winner. He's definitely my favorite character from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. His attitude, his humor, his personality, his bad boy persona, his disregard for rules, his physical strength, etc.... Spike's hot.
Angel -Also from
BTVS, Angel's a close second and at

times almost beats Spike. But although his looks are more classically attractive, Spike's attitude makes him hotter (in my opinion). Angel's brooding and sensitivity do make him a contender though.
Edward - I'm not going to post a picture of Robert Pattinson because I can't stand him as Edward. I'm talking about the Edward in the book. He's hot, sensitive, loving, lonely, brooding, etc... He's basically number one in the Twilight books (after Jake).
What do you think? In the spirit of Halloween, who's your favorite vampire? Is your favorite on this list?
I'm pretty sure Spike came out of the closet during that show. Just kidding, but I would believe it if he did.
Najah, how dare you ruin my fantasy. He's straight!! lol
So I've been experiencing a huge internal battle all day because I never thought I would be someone who would feel compelled to weigh in on a hottest vampire question. But yeah, I do have an opinion. Spike. Hands down. I'm totally with you on that one.
Haha Amy, I totally understand. I debated all day about taking this post down for the same reasons! lol. But I'm glad you got on board! It's all in good fun.
You wrote that Spike is "definitely my favorite character from Buffy The Vampire Slayer." I think you meant to say, "He's definitely my favorite character. Ever." :)
Spike is the best. Case closed. The man went through trials to get his soul back for the woman he loves. Angel has a soul just because he was cursed. He didn't ask for it. But Spike changed on his own, for love. What a man. (I realize this sounds ridiculous. I can't help myself.)
I agree with your rankings, E! And with what Ann said. Oh, Spike! I love that video of Spike's voice-over on Angel, too. Hilarious! Angel's lack of a sense of humor definitely makes him lose points. It's also sad to me that Pattinson got the Edward gig. Oh, well. If they'd picked someone better looking it might have been to painful to watch... ;)
Based on looks alone I'd have to go with Angel( Iknow the actor more in Bones) though it should be Edward since he's so hot in the books (though I am a Jacob fan even in the books). I totally agree that Robert Pattinson was a terrible choice for Edward. He compounds it(not being good looking enough) by not having any respect or interest in the movies that are making him famous. So sad.
Edward in the book...or in my mind...ahhh, those daydreams. :)
Sorry I'd vote for Jake the hot wolf over any vampire in book or film, for looks and passion. If vampires are so cold that you have to be wrapped in a blanket to snuggle up to them, then what's the point? Skin to skin with an ice cube? How romantic is that!!One kiss on his cold lips and I'd be saying a shivering good bye. Brrrrrr, Give me that hot blooded Jacob.
I agree Michelle - Jake is my favorite for sure. I would choose him any day over Edward or any cold vampire!
Have you seen this article? According to this author, listing hot vampires may represent other latent desires.
Ruth, that is really funny. Maybe it's right? Maybe I should be more careful about what I write with a therapist reading my blog (haha). Miss you!
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