I had a dream last night that I was a full time bridesmaid. By that I mean that it was my job. The whole dream was of me in different dresses marching down the aisle at various weddings of strangers. At one point in the dream I wondered why these brides didn't have their own friends to be their bridesmaids. It was a weird dream. Do you think it means anything? Do I subconsciously think I'll always be a bridesmaid, never a bride?
It was an amusing (not depressing) dream full of ugly dresses and I just had to share it.
Maybe you had that dream because you were loving the idea of an MR wedding the other day? :)-
And I hope you're not referring to the dresses in that picture as ugly. That's a pic of my bridesmaids on the top right. I don't understand why they insisted on their faces being blurred.
next you will be dreaming of being a bridesmaid at a penguin wedding.
There is a Gilbert and Sullivan show called "Ruddigore" where the members of the women's chorus are all "professional bridesmaids" and every day all they do is sit around the town waiting for weddings to happen.
I love your blog. And Doug and I would like to play Dr. Mario with you, watch movies, go to Ludington, and basically do stuff... so.. you busy next week? :)
Jessica, let's do those things. :) I can't do all of them next week (like Ludington, haha), but let's get together next week for Dr. Mario and a movie? I'll e-mail you with details!
I have to say, I would wear ugly dresses and walk down the aisle as many times as people wanted, as long as I was getting paid to do it! I like the gold dresses, especially.
P.S. (Sorry to be leaving more than one comment again...) I love the new quote!!! I was wondering when a new one would go up, and that one's perfect! Oh, Milhouse. Hilarious!
I had a weird dream the other night too. It was more x-filesish though. One minute I was looking in magazine's at a friend's new jewelry line then she disappeared. I (and somebody else) was searching for her when we came across a farm and all of the adults were one armed and the kids could dig tunnels in dirt really fast and see in the dark. It was weird and kind of scary. Your dream sounds like a lot of fun.
Weddings are so dramatic and unique and stuff. It would actually be kind of fun to be a professional bridesmaid.
My three and a half year old is in to Super Smash Bros and asks me every day if the places we are going have Super Smash Brother's video game guys (doesn't matter where we are going- library, grocery store, play date, park...). I always tell him no and he always tells me, " I think they do." today we made some - I'll post photos soon. :)
If it makes you feel better, I'm always a bride, never a bridesmaid.
Yeah Christi, that makes me feel tons better. lol
Maybe it means you should watch/re-watch "27 Dresses"... :)
I put myself through junior year of college as a mercenary bridesmaid. Lots of taffeta, lots of memories. Whenever the groom's creepy grand-uncle approached with a request to kiss the bride, I'd get pushed forward for a dance instead. Kind of like playing offensive line in flag football, but with more bruise marks on my bum. It was my dream job. If I had to go back, I wouldn't change a thing except maybe more comfortable shoes.
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