I shared a roasting stick with Jonathan and Amy, roasting three hot dogs at once, and we took shifts cooking both ourselves and the hot dogs. Once we started to melt, we handed the stick to someone else and cooled off 'til it was our turn again. Lemme just say though, the hot dogs were worth it. What's tastier than a hot dog cooked over an open flame?
Later, people started gathering around the fire for ghost stories. To motivate the story tellers, Katherine and I made some real life "flair" awards for the event:
It's hard to see, but there are two buttons: Best Ghost Story, Bonfire 2008, and #1 Scaredy Cat. I won't keep you in suspense. The Best Ghost Story button went to a girl named Susanne (I think...I've never actually met her before). She mainly got the award because her story was really long and we were all impressed that she remembered the whole thing. It involved a samurai, a ghost, and a monk. At the end of the stories, we voted and hers won. It was between her and Leo, and I voted for Leo's story. I'll probably get it a little wrong, but here's his story as I remember it:
A person (Leo's friend?) was working in an old folks home late at night. He heard a strange sound and went to inspect what it was. At the end of the hallway, he saw a door ajar, so he decided to peek in and see if that's where the sound was coming from. When he did, he saw AN EYE looking back at him - it was the old lady who lived in that room. She grabbed his arm and said, "Don't let them get me!!" He freaked out and ran down the hallway. After calming down a bit, he figured he should go back and see what was wrong with her. When he got back to her room, she was in bed sound asleep. He had no idea what to think! The next morning, he was told by other staff that the lady had died in her sleep the night before!!
There's a chance that I messed up some of the details because I think I blacked out somewhere in the middle of the story.
But even though I was a chicken, the Scaredy Cat award went to Janice, who went up to the pavilion during Joe's story because she was so scared. She was pretty proud of it:
Yeah, it was embarassing having to revive you after Leo's story. I mean, seriously! ;) Also, I think I burned the top layer of skin off of my arms and face. Who needs an expensive skin scrub when you have a scalding hot flame?
what a super fun night! and i'm so glad that my scaredy-cat-ness is now known to all!
Just so you know I read the whole thing . . . exactly who's hand did you hold?! Your blogs are hilarious! And possibly the only one where I actually read the text ;)
Thanks Nancy! :) I'm glad you check out my blog! Oh, I held my friend Jonathan's hand. It doesn't really count though because he was holding another girl's hand at the same time. Oh well ;) I hope you guys are doing well. I want to see more pictures of William!
The bonfire was indeed a good time. I may have been the other girl in the hand holding equation, but I think I can assure that it was really only in holding your hand that his heart skipped a few beats.
I keep for getting to tell you this, but I like your new background. Blue is my favorite color. And I'm sure you changed it just for me. :)
What a great blogspot you have! Give mine a look if you get a chance... ;)
Oh dang, the bonfire sounded like such a blast, but I missed it! Maybe there will be Bonfire Part 2 later this fall?? :) I'll promise to hold your hand, if it helps sweeten the deal! :)
HATER OF DEMOCRACY!!!!! What's her name wins fair and square yet you deny her story? Are you still wearing a Hillary '08 sticker? Get over it. She lost, your boy lost. Wow. I'm so mad right now.
Abram!!! You crack me up. You know I love democracy! I'm laughing to much to respond anymore. :)
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