Try not to judge me for some of the superficial things on this list. I can't help what makes me happy!
- funky pens
- thunderstorms
- blogging
- summer days
- funny writing
- funny people
- answered prayers
- meeting a new friend
- my favorite t.v. shows (go ahead and judge me, i don't care.) ;)
- parody
- exploring new places
- babies
- leaves in fall
- holidays
- throwing parties
- good friends
- family
- going home to a good book
- chocolate cake with chocolate frosting
- crisp fall days (only the crisp ones)
- flowers
- my garden
- the smell of book stores
- positive change
- learning
- kind people
- good leadership
- good food
- snow days
- money (kidding)
- colorful people
- passionate people
- music
Walking barefoot --- drinking refreshingly cold water --- seashells --- my travel magazines
You forgot, "My Favorite sister, Katherine." (Just wait 'til Heather reads this...) I like the smell of leaves burning; cider mills; laying in my hammock on a perfect spring, summer, or fall day; nieces and nephews; buying school supplies; the smell of a new book, etc.
-hearing Anwen growl like a lion
-having McDonald's and not getting sick
-watching Animal Cops Detroit
-being in Michigan any time of year
-reading Anne Lamott
-eating ice cream sandwiches
My sister gave me the book '14,000 things to be happy about' you should check it out.
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