Well, this morning at work, I found out that another movie is being filmed just three blocks away. They will be filming there for four days, so hopefully I'll have more stories for you as the week goes on. The movie is called "Youth in Revolt" and based on the imdb description, it doesn't sound like anything I'd be interested in seeing! But that doesn't take away from the fact that it's really cool to have a movie filming so close by.
On my afternoon break, I walked over to the set to check it out. Kathy warned me that she had walked over there earlier, (hoping to be discovered) when she was rudely ordered to get off the set. Having been warned, I kept my distance but noticed that lots of people were just walking around the set. So I took my chances and walked over to where all the action was. I took a picture of a fake house on the set with my cell phone, as seen above. Apparently they are going to crash a car into it this week and on the news they said that there are supposed to be a lot of explosions. That oughta make work more interesting! I'm hoping to spot Ray Liotta and/or Michael Cera, both of whom are in this movie.
After hearing on the news tonight that some Hollywood people (I know, I know... if I want to make it in this business, I really need to learn the jargon) want to build a studio in this part of Michigan. Don't believe me? Check this out: (link). I'm excited because even though I will never be an actress, at the very least all this movie action is giving me something to blog about. But don't worry, if I do get discovered and make it big, I won't forget the little people.
I knew I should have brought my industrial size fan for the "hair blowing in the wind" effect! My big break is coming, you'll see.
If you see Michael Cera, you should shout out "Hey! Look at banner George Michael!" And if you see Ray Liotta, shout, "If you build a set in Ann Arbor, we will come!"
So I sat down the other day with a copy of the critically acclaimed "OK! magazine" hoping to get my fill of very important news and, as expected, it did not disappoint. After ready only a few pages of gripping captions attached to equally gripping photos I came across none other but a picture of Drew Barrymore on the set of her new movie in Saline, MI. You can imagine my excitement. I immediately thought of you and looked for you in the background of the picture. Sadly, you were not there. But I definitely have faith in your upcoming discovery and will keep scanning the background of all celebrity movie set pictures taken in the Ann Arbor area in hope that one day you will be there.
Oooh, that's awesome Emily! And very funny. Did it say "Saline" in it? Or did you just assume? By the way, OK! Magazine is so funny - you're right, it's just captions and pictures. If you're lucky maybe I'll get you a subscription for your birthday.
Yeah, it said "Saline, MI". So I guess all this Michigan Hollywood glam also comes with our very own influx of paparazzi. So if you do end up being discovered definitely watch out for that.
I have to see this magazine. Can you bring it on Saturday?
I will definitely bring it and I'll also bring the Ellen stand-up DVD. It's just too funny not to share.
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