Or a few weeks ago at work, I was lifting my glasses up to my eyes and just as my hand was about two inches from my eyes, I realized it was not my glasses in my hand, it was my fork! That could've been a disaster.
After that happened, I told Kathy and Justin about it. When they were done laughing at me, they confessed to having done things like that in the past. Kathy said that one time she poured a glass of water directly on her open cell phone, like she was in a trance! Justin confessed to pouring orange juice on his cereal, along with some other hilarious things that I won't put in here for fear that he'll stop telling me stuff!
What about you guys? These stories crack me up, plus I like knowing I'm not alone! Anyone else get their wires cross occasionally?
As you know, I have a Brita water pitcher in my fridge (and not much else) for keeping my drinking water cold and filtered. So, I get out a glass, open the fridge, pour the water, put the pitcher back in, and then go sit back down. However, I will have quite often sat back down without the refreshing glass of water I just got up and poured myself...it's still sitting on the kitchen counter, whereas I'm sitting in the living room...sheesh!!
no that never happens to me, my wires are ALWAYS perfectly connected.
Monica, for some reason I find that hard to believe :) (which is why I got the kiddie chopsticks for you) lol
PS, I miss you! Lets get together soon!
I'm very much like Monica, never doing anything wrong. Ah, would that that was true. For me it's more that I forget that there's a wall in front of me or a doorframe nearby or a board that sticks out from the pew...and injuries ensue. At least I've never tried to wear a fork as eye wear, though... ;)
good point Katherine!!
One time I was eating cookies while doing a puzzle and I got my hands mixed up and put the puzzle piece in my mouth. Luckily I didn't swallow.
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