1. The review I wrote of my new Ped Egg. This post was graphic and not for a younger audience. It was titled "the disgusting cost of beauty" if that tells you anything. But my feet look great, so it was worth it.
2. The bitter post I wrote, complaining about people thinking I must be really picky if I'm still single. Actually, I think it's best if I keep that one to myself.
3. A post I started about what's an appropriate age difference with dating. I think I gave up on that one after I wrote the title, but it might be fun to look into it and get some feedback from you.
4. A post I wrote about how whenever I hear about the Hutari (the militia group), I picture the Na'vi (the blue people from Avatar). Actually, there's not much to add to that - it's just that their names sound similar.
5. The post I wrote titled "bad ideas." Sadly, all I wrote in that one was "the movie 'Hot Tub Time Machine'" which I never actually saw but assumed was a bad idea for obvious reasons. I guess I planned to add some more bad ideas eventually but just had to get that one down before I forgot.
6. A post I started after watching a few episodes of "the Facts of Life." This one was titled, "Lessons Learned from Mrs. Garrett." All I had so far was "If you go to New York without Mrs. Garrett's permission, you will be sold into human trafficking." (Tootie learned a valuable lesson... and so did I.) I'm sure I could watch a few more episodes and add to this post.
7. A post I wrote titled "the bad dates" which had a bunch of things in it that guys should not do on a date.
So what do you think? Should I post/finish any of those? Which would you like to hear more about?
Dude. Hot Tub Time Machine was hilarious.
a week long (daily) blog face off with Chris Schwartz!!!!!
the hutterites and dating!!!!
Bad ideas and the bad dates. I already know the wonders of the ped egg.
I love my Ped Egg. Nevertheless, the idea of a whole post dedicated to it kind of makes me shudder. Some things are not meant to be made public.
(I vote for Bad Ideas.)
Can we toss out new ideas, too? Things we want to hear your perspective on (or your grandma's perspective, too!). :) Like, could we all give you our word verifications and make you write definitions, like that game of "Balderdash," I think it is. Or, I'd still love a topic on what men and women should really own by the time they hit 30, single or not. :) For example, women should probably own a PedEgg! And men, well, they should NOT own "Hot Tub Time Machine" on DVD! :)
Everytime I think of the Ped Egg, I picture the part of the infomercial where they empty it into the waste basket. It's horrible!
I'd personally like to hear more bad ideas. So many to choose from. I also love the Facts of Life lessons. I miss Tootie.
There is a new Revlon "ped egg" with the commercial with Elle MacPherson. I saw it on the TVs at the gym the other day, and I swear the guys on the treadmills looked at that commercial with such utter confusion...I don't think they really knew what she was trying to convince us to buy! :) Here's the pic! http://thegloss.com/files/2009/03/revlon-pedi-expert.jpg
I am glad to know I am not the only one with a "drawerfull" of aborted post ideas.
I think Bad Dates sounds funny and promising. I am also interested in the "bitter" post! (Never settle!)
Thanks for giving me this idea to air out my failed topics next time I am stuck!
Hot Tub Time Machine, huh? I think bad ideas would be funny.
Hey there,
Out of all of these the one that seems to have a really fun possible outcome is the "Age Appropriate" one. That could lead to some very funny and different ideas for what is acceptable. I hope all is well.
I am voting for the Bad Dates I have that on my own "list" of blogs that haven't been written. I think everyone can relate.
2 and 3 are interesting but 7 gets my vote, if and only if the title of that post is a clever John-Rheis Davis quote from Indiana Jones...because if it is, then my fedora hat is off to you.
What about a once a week or once a month column with Grammy?! Sort of like Tuesdays with Maurie or that Jewish guy that cooks with his Grandma on his blog??
I've been thinking about anonymous. I think you should collect all his ideas and comments together and let us take random guesses at who he may be or what he should do next.
The bad dates is funny too!
I vote for the Facts of Life post (I've forgotten so many of the morals they taught, I could really use a refresher...), as well as the bad ideas/bad dates posts. AND the age appropriate one - I was just talking to a friend about that last night! Have you posted any videos of dancing guy from Ludington lately? We could really use a visit from him again with summer and Ludington trips nearly upon us again!
Oh thanks Katherine... I thought Facts of Life has real possibilities.. there are so many ! facts of life, idiosyncratic totally untrue but weirdly believable and hard to not think "maybe" and then afraid not to do whatever it is, just in case? But I didn't want to be the *only* person to say it...
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